Stupid Question, What's your favorite childhood TV show?
5 years ago
Connecticut, USA

What is your favorite childhood TV show?


It's time to D-d-d-d-dudududu-DUEL!

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Iowa, USA

Mr. Rogers, I assume "TV show" could be anything but if it doesn't have to be a cartoon then I'd have to say Mr. Rogers. It's the most memorable show for me growing up.

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Connecticut, USA

Mine is Make Way for Noddy, Pingu, And many others I'm not thinking about. (Don't make F U N of me)

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Texas, USA

Tom & Jerry and all the other MGM cartoons.

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Regular Show and The Amazing World of Gumball


The Amazing World of Gumball, Sonic X and Pokémon!

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Shin Chan

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He/Him, It/Its
5 years ago

That's a hard question because i liked way too many lol

Though, the ones i still remember, because i REALLY liked them are :

Hamtaro Card Captor Sakura Totally Spies

Kentucky, USA

My childhood hasn't technically ended so


PB&J Otter and Jimmy Neutron are high on top, of course spongebob aswell and for non-cartoons id prob have to go with malcom in the middle


sailormoon, pokemon, digimon, yugioh, beyblade etc


Art Attack

Ontario, Canada

Hard to really pick tbh. MASH , Golden Girls and probably CyberSix are on my top.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Pokemon & Phineas and Ferb!

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Pettersson und Findus

Aquitaine, France

Inazuma Eleven, EVEN THOUGH I don't like football IRL


Galactic Football 1 and 2. You just reminded me of football.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

I got hooked on Star Trek Next Generation really early. Been a huge trek nerd since