New Strat????
3 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

I’ve noticed a new strat with new runs where people are jumping left on the spring stage? What up with that?

SuperGamer64 likes this

Hey JAje! for me the reason I use it is because it seems more consistent for cycle skip in second stage. I don’t think it saves any time. Basically it’s just spamming the jump button while holding left once he hits the wall start holding right while continued A spamming once you jump off the first platform you will be on the moving platform. Jump as late as possible on second platform and you should be on the third platform climb up the ladder and get off of it as quickly as possible hold right and jump to the 2nd moving platform and jump really late and you should skip one of the spring cycles. It’s a really good time save. But like I said you can do the old method and I’m pretty sure it’s just as good of maybe a bit better and it’ll do good

Calgary, AB, Canada

Oh okay cool thanks man! Also congrats on the great time!

SuperGamer64 likes this

Thanks man!

SuperGamer64 likes this
United States

that strat isnt that new

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