4 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I have not checked this leaderboard in a long time. Its amazing to see so many runs of Pitch Perfect. Do you all have perfect pitch? Just curious lol. I can recall running pitch perfect at online marathons in 2014-2015. Im just blown away to see so many.

Th3on3C and cyndifusic like this
Pennsylvania, USA

yo kefka! i remember submitting pitch perfect to mwsf this year actually, i don't think it got in but i didn't really expect it to lol. i definitely don't have perfect pitch or anything close to it but i've been playing music for a while. i started running this earlier this year just out of curiosity, but i quickly realized i was getting close to wr, and eventually got the 19:10. i'm still really happy with that time since it beat insaneintherain's run that stood at the top for like two years or something, but theon just absolutely murdered the category out of nowhere. sub 19 is already stupid difficult on its own, let alone an 18:4x.

Th3on3C likes this
Ontario, Canada

Always nice to see old runners of a game/category come back and have them know the knowledge of the past history of it firsthand, I don't have perfect pitch either but the game isn't asking you to actually name the notes so having a good ear and fast reaction time is enough for anyone to recognize the answer. However I can name a few notes based on pitch due to memorizing the pitch of songs that start with that note :P

Kentucky, USA

I believe I was the first person to run the category actually. I do have perfect pitch and I'm a musician as well. To see that so many people actually ran it to me is still mind boggling. Though it makes me happy. I have no intention of returning to the game. It's fascinating to see how far it's come.

Kentucky, USA

Also, I'll be happy to help verify runs in the future. Sorry I kinda vanished lol. I just assumed nobody would ever submit anything for the game beyond myself when I first got the game added here. Obviously, I was wrong lol. .

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United States

Welcome Back Kefka! Yeah a lot has happened since you left lol, I'm partially to blame

Kentucky, USA

It's a good thing lol. This run is now destroyed haha.

Ontario, Canada

I wouldn't say it's destroyed, I'd say sub 18:30 is when it'll be truly optimized but the current wr is pretty good for the time being lol

Pennsylvania, USA

yeah, it's the first wr that's gonna need serious determination to beat, pretty nutty

Ontario, Canada

¯_(ツ)_/¯ (btw you posted that message twice so might want to delete the duplicate or something lol)

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