Final Outlaw Speedup Glitch
5 years ago

As mentioned in ZantePrayer's description on the speedrun highlight, he somehow had the final part of the game where you play the final version of outlaw and it's all sped up. He mentioned spam clicking the x when you apprehend Dylan, where it would speed up.

I had that similar experience too and from my best explanation is when the screen goes all white and cuts out back to the desktop of the game, if you were still spam clicking x through the whole white screen thing, that speedup will somehow carry over to the next time you play Outlaw. The glitch does go away after completing Outlaw at this time, until you spam click x that is.

With that explanation over, should we keep this glitch as a legal move? In my opinion, I don't really mind if this glitch stays or not to be honest.

I'll have a video link below to explain how the glitch works if you prefer video explanations, if I sound rough it's because i was a little sick lol

Edited by the author 5 years ago
K3W3L and ZantePrayer like this

Yo man, thanks so much for this! It worked when I tested this out for myself, so I'm assuming the click-spam carried over from a previous save? I'm gonna give that a try next.

As long as everyone's happy for it to be a legal move, with a way other people can actually replicate it, it's gonna make the game go faster!

Edited by the author 5 years ago
K3W3L and Jeffle like this

Yeah man no problem! Yup, the click-spam Carrie's over between save files, just as long as you have another save file with the final version of Outlaw so you can just go in there to activate the glitch for a run.

That is true! Let's just hope the devs don't patch it in the game's next update.


Aye, yeah, 'cause then it's pretty invalidated. I was looking into a No Sequence Breaks run just to make some notes, and that glitch seems to apply to all versions of Outlaw - when it's used on the first version, it actually keeps speeding the game up through the first time skip and HypnOS start-up, then the game goes back to normal once the desktop's back.

K3W3L and Jeffle like this

That's definitely interesting, I can't wait to see how the No Sequence Break run turns out!

ZantePrayer likes this

Cheers, man! And thanks again for explaining the glitch!

Jeffle likes this

Yeah, keeping it as a legal move since I had it happen to me personally. Good explanation!

ZantePrayer and Jeffle like this
Norfolk, England
Super moderatorzoton2
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Does this effect carry over if you close/reopen the game? I can't remember off the top of my head but I'm not sure how much I like it due to it (from what I can tell) being something pretty major you have to set up before the timer starts. My current Any% (No HAP Skip) PB does use it though and I do like it, I just wish/wonder if there's a way to trigger it after the timer has started.


Ahh, I can understand disliking it. I don't really know any rules for speedrunning practice where glitches require prior set-up. First time I got it, I had no idea how it happened. Thought I'd submit the run anyway, but expected it to be rejected 'cause I had no explanation for how it occurred, but it was accepted as it had happened to other players.

So I'm not sure how we'd categorise it with there already being a glitch run, unless we reevaluate it as part of HAP-skip runs, just so we have a category that completes HO the fastest way possible?

Norfolk, England
Super moderatorzoton2
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

For the time being you could put a variable on it? We've got so little runs doing that wouldn't take too long.

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