So recently I’ve done two runs of Olympic Events getting 17:45-46 both times. And I’ve realized in practice that the loading times are stupidly erratic (like loosing or gaining upwards of .7 seconds on Alpine alone) This is a BIG stretch and tell me if this is BS but Time without loads. I haven’t fully checked that my runs had longer loads than Mr. Fun but just in general. I don’t want to think that my runs could or have been fucked over my Wii u
Hi SonicSam, Do you use LiveSplit, or some other splitting timer? I think it could help you figure this out, as you would be able to see which events you are losing the most time on, whether comparing to your PB, the WR, or any splits you want. I find that in events that I can't lose time on due to playing badly like Figure Skating or Ice Hockey, there is about a 1.5 second window of time-saves or time losses. While this shouldn't be making or breaking your runs, it would be interesting to see if the load times are variable, especially if the load times on Wii U are faster than Wii or not. Here's hoping all of your time loss is just to your bad curing, MrFun
Alrighty this is going to be a long one... Comparing my 17.46.4 to Mr. Fun's 17:42.22 it can be concluded that loads did have an influence. Firstly the time differences, this is 4.2 seconds. This will mean more later. Going into curling I was roughly at 13:52 while Mr. Fun was at 13.51. This means I lost roughly 3.2 seconds on curling. This doesn't make much sense, seeing that in the events I was easily about 5-7 seconds AHEAD before curling. Which would be a WR HeyAll go through all the events (and fuck I just realized that the times were cut off of the recording :( ): Slalom: I lost like 2.5 seconds roughly. Moguls: I gained 2.223 seconds because of better movement (17.7 to 19). Halfpipe compared to Mr.Fun's about 23.2 halfpipe I got 19.8. Speed Skating was 28.7 while Mr. Fun got a 31.1. I PBed to Skeleton getting a 1:05.7(-8) savings a second. I can't find too bad of menuing and I maybe saved a bit on Ice honkey character selection. ( To be continued). Adding in extra + and - cuz I probably missed something. We get a -6 (WR) for me adding the 3.2 yields a WR. Ok, so by the end I’m - 2.8 the WR (about a 17.39.4) but I still have a unaccounted 7 seconds to give me my 17: 46.4. It has to be loads even if there was (for example 5 seconds of mistakes).
Mr. Fun However as that would address the problem it wouldn’t fix it. One of us two (or someone else) could just have a solid run with stupid load times. Then it will turn into a grind for good Loads. And if I figure out it IS loads, Im not going to bother with this game anymore. Face the reality that this is a cheap mingame collection on the Wii. (I already saw that your Alpine load time was faster btw)
When I ran this game I saw the same issue and the general agreement by the mods at that time is that if someone is willing to make an autosplitter that removes load times, then it would be added. removing load times manually and accurately would require mods or the runners to go frame by frame and remove loads. With how small the game is, it's way too much work and will demotivate runners imo. I don't think any of the mods opinions have changed so it's very unlikely it will happen.
Conmangamer Yea but I really don’t want to wait forever for them to make an auto splitter. (Also I love that you, not a mod, is telling me about this). I guess I’ll focus on Ils for now. ALso for reference, when DID the mods agree on that.
I used to be a mod but it got removed after a fight that happened about a runner's times being verifiable. I believe the agreement came about a year and a half to 2 years ago.
Welp... um... ok. I guess my goal is all the ils then. Can’t believe you got unmodded for a dumb reason. Guess I’m doing balance board and one more festival, then I’m prob out until things change :(
SonicSam and Conmangamer, How would an autosplitter work for a Wii/U game? I'm not familiar enough with autosplitters to know for sure, but it sounds like it would look at the game (or use something in the game's memory) to know when to split. If this is the case, would it look at my screen capture input? I could theoretically go through a run frame-by-frame and make a timer on screen that removes load times, but I agree that it would be a pain in the patoot. If an autosplitter were to be created, we (or the mods) would have to change everybody's times. Thanks in advance, MrFun
i think it has to do with memory stuff from in games which makes auto igt or loadless easy with pc games but i dont think it would be easy with console games but i think its possible. just a bit of coding and other black magic i dont know how to do ¯_(ツ)_/¯
nes, Lol alrighty than :(. I guess that this isn’t a big enough game to have some “black magic” shit to record times. So... I guess the Olympic Events category is pretty dead unless someone is willing to grind the fuck out of it to get it. And this all started because I was salty that I wasted like 3 hours of runs (mr Fun is too damn lucky) :P. Balance Board here I come!
BRO Why you getting salted? This is an irrel game and honestly, people should go focus on optimizing games that aren't all RNG and repetitivity. And if you care enough, go get a console that has better load times. ALSO No need to be a massive dick to the mods who, from what I saw, didn't do anything to cause it. I'm now being a dick cause you can't seem to take a 2nd side to what this community is.
My B, sorry, just other shit was happening around the time a wrote that. I didn’t mean to seem like An ass for no reason. I don’t even remember the fuck I was thinking.
Hello there gamers
So due to some concerns in the community about Emulators possibly being used to attempt cheated runs we decided after talking with other runners to increase the strictness of runs done on emulator as a hope to kurb possible cheating so we added the following rules for Individual