A horrible, but goofy category idea
3 months ago
United States

This is a thought I had like a year ago, but never got around to doing. I call it "NFSLocke". The goal is to get through all 14 most wanted races in a row without crashing the car once.

The rules are:

-Races must be done in the order they appear in the Most Wanted list (start at the top, go down the list.)

Run time begins when you start up the first race, ends when you beat the Agera R

-No modswaps allowed. Whatever mods you start with you have to use throughout the entire run

-When you complete a race, you have to switch to the next one in less than 10 seconds (this is counted after the hud re-appears after completing a race)

-You must skip the Most Wanted cutscene as fast as possible, and go straight into the race (cutscene can play for 5 seconds max).

-If you crash, you have to restart the entire list back from the M3 GTR

-Any car is allowed (addition of individual categories for all cars is optional for mods)

-Loads are included in the final time

-Good luck

Also, if anyone wants an idea of what a run looks like, I will link my almost successful attempt.

Edited by the author 3 months ago
United States

I understand if this idea is rejected due to it likely not being ran, it was just simply an idea I wanted to put out there.

United States

Also did some edits just now to make the rules more clear and fair.

Śląskie, Poland

Okay, real talk now, you're right the idea is Not Good™. But in my opinion it's due to all the extra made up rules and just fixing them improves this a lot. Normally Nuzlocke would mean that if you crash, you lose that car and have to abandon the current race and switch to a different car. So I'm already against a full restriction of . Modswap restriction - bad, why? Starting the next race without 10 seconds? MUST skip cutscenes? Why would you do these? Objectively the worst idea of them all. At the end of the day, this is meant to be a speedrun so people would've done it anyways, but it's a bit idiotic to enforce this in rules. That being said, I still don't think just driving 14 races in a row is particularly interesting.


If you do a run that:

  • matches the regular Any% NG rules (so start from zero SP, ends when you beat all 10 blacklist members)
  • It's in the true spirit of Nuzlocke (so you if you crash you MUST change your car immediately, that car is dead for the rest of the run)
  • you can only switch to cars through the quick menu, you can't "drive" to your next car
  • switching to a different car also "kills" that car and you cannot use it again for the remainder of the run
  • maybe something else I forgot

Then you maybe have my blessing to add it as a category in the Category Extensions board as Any% Nuzlocke

United States

I did it the way TheBones5 did FNAFLocke, you fail, you restart. Also I was thinking of it as an ng+ thing, where you have all the races pre-unlocked and just have to do them all in a row as fast as possible.

United States

It's also kind of like the Five Nights at Candy's mod, the gauntlet, which is all max modes in a row deathless. This was kind of how I planned to do it, but didn't want to call it a gauntlet

United States

I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I made this idea. My rules are kind of bad, which is why I don't moderate pages or anything. Then again what you said might also be cool

United States

If I could figure out how to truly reset my save I might consider it


I do not understand the absolute obsession with the Nuzlocke challenge, at all.


Especially in racing games where you’d want to win every race anyways without crashing

Bretagne, France

It could be fun, but the problem is in this racing game specifically, this type of category would be not adapted. Due to the fact that there is crash cams etc. could be cool in another racing game tho. like Burnout Paradise where one of the rule would be to give a crash limit until getting another license or idk. it's not a dumb idea it is just the wrong game

United States

I honestly think my original idea sucks mainly because the only thing that could really kill your run is traffic rng, which stopped me from doing this like a year ago.

Bretagne, France

Trafic RNG is a thing that can be manipulated by using some tech. This is a problem without being a real one. maybe considering testing on some open world racing games, idk. could be interesting tho

United States

Well there's 2 ideas:

1: Do this speedrun in a gauntlet style (all 14 races in a row crashless, no break in between)

or 2: Like one of the mods mentioned in a comment further up, do a true Nuzlocke run, while following the any% rules. I don't know how to fully wipe a save and make dlc not register so I can't do a Any% NG run. But I can do any% NG+ Timesavers.

Bretagne, France

both ideas are doable if executed right. doing the car selection for each race, see witch one would be better to use and for what type of event. considering to gave a back-up car and stuff. so yeah for me it is not dumb

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