Categories update
2 years ago

I updated categories and i want feedback. I'm open for suggestions.


What is the Glitchless category? i cant think of what it could be. I like the Vents and Ventless , good idea. I had the idea of Death% - normal death ending (when touched by the Enemy) and Out of Map or Anime death ending (when leaving the map and jumping in the void)

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

Death% and Animedeathending% would be probably too eazy. And by Glitchless i mean not using diagonal movement glitch and not climbing using jumping.


hmm that would be hard to see if both W and Q or E on keyboard have been pressed at the same time ... since movement is key, there is too many chances that it happens unintentionally. The hill climbing with jump is not really a glitch, its just part of the working physics within the game's engine... BUT i think renaming it "Restricted" could be more precise... Restricted is restrictive category where "Runners may not use the tricks" they could usually use ... although its usually visible, evident and related to an ability... in this fornite2 game , holding W + Q/E is the only player's tool and its not evident to see.. anyways, can you @fkwilczek submit a Test run to see what you intend of what should be done in Glitchless No Vents , for example ? , oh also for the Death and deathanime categories, your timer ends on your death and in my opinion its totally playable, all the skill is on the timing of the movement and rotating the mouse towards the Enemy or the closest Void-hole thing

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

I think you are right about diagonal movement and i probably remove glitchless but i still think hill climbing may be considered glitch. I record test run and do a pool.

ok i removed glitchless

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