A couple questions before picking up the run.
5 years ago
Texas, USA

I don't casual games before I play them so I plan on making blind/beginner friendly notes for the run. I'll post them to the guides when I'm done.

First, though, I was curious if anyone had any notes for the run already. They don't have to be super detailed or anything, just could save some time trying to understand tech or mechanics that might otherwise be kind of hard to understand simply by watching.

Second, I have the original cart as well as a flashcart with the 2.0 fan translation on it. Is there a noticeable difference in text amount and timesave? I assume japanese is faster but it's always nicer when you can play in english, lol.

Lastly, are there any rules against specific emulators? I use BSNES via Bizhawk for learning/practicing so I can use save states. I see that emu is allowed but wasn't sure if there was one that is more accurate or agreed upon in the community.

Thanks for your time!


Hey Palmer! Do I see more interest in this game? Nice! :o

First, here are my own personal notes that I can't guarantee will be helpful to you. It also may have some incorrect information, but it's what I used to get through the game. In addition, I believe I provided these same notes to MyOhMyke and he got a couple finished runs with them just fine. Here they are: https://pastebin.com/iSNwYYpr

Second, I was under the same assumption that Japanese is faster, but I only based that assumption on feeling and not actual evidence. It's very possible that they are quite similar or the opposite even, but I couldn't be bothered to go through hours of footage to get that definitive answer. You can use either version and it shouldn't be a huge deal either way.

Lastly, BizHawk should be fine as far as emulators go. As long as it's not ZSNES or SNES9x versions 1.4x and lower, then it should be A-OK. Also, it's important to note that since this is a Super Famicom exclusive game, in addition to the fact that it does not have a super competitive leaderboard, we agreed that turbo is allowed for this game to save our wrists. There are a TON of cutscenes in this game and mashing all of it got super tiring.

GL on learning/runs! Looking forward to see what you can do with this speedrun ;)

Texas, USA

ayyy, my man! I have about 15 Kiwamis so I'm all aboard the turbo hype train.

Thanks a ton my guy. I really appreciate ya!

I know it's probably not, but would increasing the frame rate be allowed? Making the game fast makes the cutscenes more bearable, but it also makes the characters harder to control so it has a drawback. But having a drawback doesn't necessarily make it fair game.


No, it's not allowed.

Connecticut, USA

Is using an English Translated ROM on Everdrive allowed for this game?

Connecticut, USA

How does the pause trick for skipping battles work exactly?


The more steps your team makes the greater chance for it to get into a fight. Going to any game menu resets the step counter. Also moving against a wall counts as steps by the game.

Connecticut, USA

So basically its up to you how risky you wanna be with the walking in between pauses


Exactly. Sometimes you can get even a one step encounter but it is really rare case. Also it feels like some locations have slightly different probability of encounters.

Connecticut, USA

Just finished a practice run following along with Skateman's notes/route, Gonna try to do an actual run soon. We dont have a discord or anything do we?

Connecticut, USA

Also other question..Does this game have some secret new game plus or is this just a glitch, When I started a new game immediately after beating the game and skipping the credits, in the new game my inventory has all the items from the previous file. I reset the game and started a new game, my items were gone, so I loaded the file before the final boss, beat her again, skipped the credits and started a new game and all my items were there again


I am on this server https://discord.gg/YtMMvcB5Su and there is a separate channel for SMAS in it.

Idk about ng+ thing, never tried it.

Good luck with the run, buddy!

Connecticut, USA

My thought is if this is intended, then we could start a new game and have all the items we needed and not have to waste time going to the shops or anything. We'd also have all the accessories as well. And we could grind for like a ton of perfumes in the Dark Palace near the end of the run and just buy a ton of cologne and toilettes so we'd never have to worry about running out lol


NG+ would mean a new category for the run but idk if this is a thing that anyone would like to try. Personally, I would stick to a fresh save file run.

Connecticut, USA

ill prob do a fresh file run for now to get used to the run overall and maybe do some testing to see whats possible with the NG+ after

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