Alpha 2 inst win
7 months ago

So, about 2 months ago (I forgot to post it earlier), I was trying to speedrun alpha 2 glitchless%, and something weird happened. In less than 10 minutes, I got 4 insta wins. From now on, I actually think you need to do something in order to get insta win.

Texas, USA

there is a chance that insta-win can be controlled in some kinda way. maybe due to your resolution or FPS, but at its core, it is still entirely luck based in my opinion.

Forgot to say. After that, every 20 minutes I would get at least 1 insta win.

Ohio, USA

I don't think this needed to be posted. Weird nonetheless.

@Jamestack i just shared with it because maybe it can somehow help with alpha 2 any%

Ohio, USA

@Leman1 It's still a banned strat either way.

@Jamestack I mean this can help to see how games works. After what this happening or can you teleprot to the basement without clipping anywhere?


it's very luck based but it happens more often with t.maxfps 240


instawin is just one of the objects in the basement spawning weirdly and flinging into the end door

@Baboons I thought about that, but when I was restarting level and saw that objects are in one place, I thought that it is probably not an item that triggering the ending.

But I think you right though

Ohio, USA

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