Predictions for sub 1?
3 years ago

Any predictions? I'd say within next month.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

bruh no prob like 3-5 months


End of summer

London, England

Sub 1 isn't gonna happen until 2022. Just cos blast popped off and got a 1:02.9, most likely he's gonna be stuck there for a while since he's around 1:03 skill still (and the difference between 1:02 and 1:03 is the equivalent of sub 2 to sub 1:20 or around that much). But if he gets another pb within the next month I could be wrong.

sub 1 on November 25th

KABE likes this

27.03.2024 by me


sub 1 is gonna be done in 3 end of discussion

Wisconsin, USA

tomorrow, distortion2

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
United States

lumo already secretly has sub 1, he's just allowing people the opportunity to catch up to make it more fair

London, England

bair already secretly has sub 1, he's just allowing people the opportunity to catch up to make it more fair


late 2022 / early 2023, "this month" lmao

Ohio, USA

12/28/2021 9:20 am by gunshotyou

New South Wales, Australia

7th August 2022

He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

1/12/2021 in 59.922 by Lzcfst(Chinese First)

London, England

1/12/2021 in 59.921 by Rhetor1k(UK First)

GUNZO and Valmerix like this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

2/12/2021 in 49.117 by Blastbolt

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