4 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I honestly agree with striker here, the runs take way too long to verify and the mods seem so lazy. I think the best way to improve is to rant about it on the forums instead of waiting the 3 weeks says it should take for a run to be verified.

Cytruss and CreepingThunder like this

runs take 1-3 weeks to verify. i thought that was kinda clear with the popup u get when submitting the run

also we have like... 200-300 runs at a time to verify, usually getting like 5 more an hour. its hard.

Its fine if you submit runs, just expect the worst, hope for the best. your runs WILL be verified withing 3 weeks. If not, then that is a serious issue.

Pear, Cytruss and 2 others like this

Dont worry about that Garsh :)

Pear likes this
United States

sorry if I seem stupid for saying that...


To striker,

Its ok. Its a common mistake that happens all the time.

To Garsh,

Its ok, our backlog is always full haha

Pear likes this
Queensland, Australia

omg @StrikerArrow I'm so sorry! I thought you were just one of those annoying jerks that constantly complain about run verifications on the forums. Sorry about the sarcasm, I had just about had it with these people and the person I had to take it out on happened to just be someone asking an innocent question with no intention of being annoying.

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We currently have All Modes Speedruns, Level Editor Any%, and Combined Speedruns ready, as well as a full set of categories for Yarmiplay’s Chess Mode, which you can find in the mod loader.

Make sure to thoroughly read all of the rules for the new Cate

27 days ago
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