Marble Zone Act 1 wall ascent?
3 months ago
New Jersey, USA

Dear Sonic 1 speedrunning community,

So I just watched flower's current glitchless record video, and I wondered about the wall in Marble 1 that in any% you'd just zip through to complete the act more quickly.

Playing around with debug mode many years ago I noticed the ground right before the hill and four platforms on lava is the same height as the top of the wall. Has anyone ever looked into using the buzz bombers to bounce over the platforms, then bounce off of the shield monitor to get on top of the wall? It'd probably require some heap manipulation or even TAS to get correct badnik position and sufficient speed but in theory it could be a massive time save in glitchless!

I'd greatly appreciate any insight from the community. Cheers!

Glitchedblood likes this
United Kingdom

The wall extends all the way up to the top of the level, and for any bounce strat to work, the initial peak of your first jump would need to go above the top of the level.

Glitchedblood likes this
New Jersey, USA


Just went on Sonic Retro and checked the map for Marble 1. The first part doesn't extend as high as I remembered, though I might have measured it by the peak of Sonic's jump from that section rather than the ground itself.

It would be exceptionally cool if someone like Tee-N-Tee or Evil_3D looked into it and figured out a way to clear the wall like that, even if it doesn't actually save time! The latter found a way to manipulate the firefly bots in Mystic Cave act 2 to give a high enough bounce to collect out-of-reach rings in their ring attack TAS of Knuckles in Sonic 2. Crazy!

United Kingdom

Knuckles is different, he can super glide off monitors and enemies to gain lots of height.

Sonic cannot, which is why it's based off the initial peak jump height.