I would like this because not everyone has acsess to motion controlls so i think there should be an any% motienless category because more people with wired controllers would not be left out of any% and there would still be another fun run to do
everyone has access to motion controls. a switch comes with joycons.
Some people can't use their joycons because they have drift, inputs don't work, etc.
Sounds fun to me, I really would want this category. I'd be curious to see what the best time could be, and I'd definetly try it out
It would be harder considering how much you roll with motion controls. Every tome you’d have to reset.
You don't need a board to run a category, if you truly think the run will be interesting I don't think the lack of a board would be a deterrent. The route would likely remain unchanged with maybe a few exceptions dude to lack of ability to roll fast and there is no reason why you couldn't submit a "motionless" time to the any% boards. Also if you are having issues with controllers breaking I would suggest buying a pro controller, they are much more durable than joycons.
No but joy cons can be extremely sensitive believe me I’ve broke two pairs of joy cons
Mods, lock or delete this thread pls. @StrikeOnYT if joycons are breaking too easily, take Source's advice and buy a procon.
2nd time in 24 hours this exact thing has been made into a thread, stop it, get a pro controller.