9 years ago

limited The time saves I found add up to 3-4 minutes, I didn't do precise timing. I think that that's all we can do with this method but that might turn out to be wrong.

I found a way to start any story line mission twice (not more) by getting the onmission flag to 0 while having a phone call and standing inside the mission marker. The mission sets onmission to 1 again but 2s or so later the phone call that was cancelled due to onmission being 0 sets onmission to 0 again - that's my hypothesis.

There's been some heat due to lack of video in combination with an incomplete explanation, so have this. I used a teleporter mod.

To accomplish that, you need the Trucking or Quarry mission. First you start one of those and a phone call at the same time, then you stand in the storyline mission marker, then you fail Trucking or Quarry.

With the Quarry mission you just get out of a vehicle into the marker so that the call starts right after standing still in the marker. This is already known. For Trucking you need a different method since the Trucking trigger is only checked every 250 ms and therefore most of the time you get the call before Trucking has a chance to start. The method is: you trigger Trucking shortly before the call comes in. After it is triggered, the onmission flag is still 0 for ~0.6s after that. You can extend that by a whole lot by pause buffering after Trucking has been triggered. Details at the very end of the post.

Uses: Since the game uses counters ( if woozie_total_passed_missions = 3 then start Amphibious Assault ) and having two instances of a mission adds two to the counter, you can dupe one mission and thereby skip the mission following the duped mission (long known). I found these uses: Dupe Ran Fa Li after Snail Trail to skip Lure and the insanely long drive back to SF that mission would make you do. Jizzy > T-Bone > Mike Toreno > Mountain Cloud Boys > Outrider > Snail Trail > Ran Fa Li > Ice Cold Killa > ... Dupe High Jack after Monster to skip Interdiction. This saves only little time.

And now I have to shock you... 4¤ LV and desert hype! Well, probably not worth it... Segmented run anyone? The third use is duping Toreno's Last Flight. Unlocking Monster requires 10 passed syndicate missions. The tenth one, Yay-Ka Boom Boom requires 5 passed Woozie missions. Duping Toreno therefore not only skips Yay-Ka Boom Boom but it also skips all Woozie missions. The problem is that you need to pass Yay-Ka Boom Boom to not have the SWAT on your tail for 1:15 hours of LV and Desert missions (passing Saint Mark's ends the horror). I timed ~16.5 minutes saved in SF (by doing my own timings and using the WR) and 8 minutes lost in LV was the result of me guessing or timing the major time losses in LV ( 1) no helis since they get shot down; 2) detours to save points that are outside interiors to use the fraction of a second of zero stars after saving for phone calls and wasted warps; 3) detours to the country side for phone calls). So if you are good enough to not lose 8.5 minutes to all the "minor" problems in LV due to 4¤ for 1:15h, that's ~7s of losses per minute, then this is your new route. Maybe it is 10s per minute, I didn't time things properly. It would be hell for the runners but fun for the viewers, probably. But probably it will turn out to be slower.

NediBuckets, ult1matum and 51 others like this
Päijät-Häme, Finland

nice 4 stars strats

ult1matum likes this

4¤ desert seams problematic. Something is wrong with my game and there are no San Fierro barriers after loading a save. In proper games, the barriers are still there if you don't beat Yay Ka Boom Boom.

Based Bastant applied phone call delaying to this and I verified that it works. So you can dupe indoor missions now. Stupid me had had the same idea but gave up after the phone stopped ringing as soon as I was indoors.

You have a ringing phone during Quarry, press F1, hold tab, end the replay, go into the marker inside the interior, fail Quarry while inside the marker.

Too bad Quarry takes 3:30 min to fail. And remote flames via replay didn't work for Trucking for me so I'm skeptical.

Tezur0, ToriksLV and 3 others like this

Well you know what im proud of you

South Yorkshire, England

Los Desperados x2: Complete one; fail the other "Gal has been killed" WutFace


Wow, I never managed to complete Los Desperados. It always softlocked in the last cutscene.

Hampshire, England

I also could only softlock on the last cutscene Haworth, share your secrets.

Hampshire, England

Here's how you can dupe black project using Rosenduping™

Fairly sure it won't be useful in runs, since you only skip Green Goo and it has an even longer setup time than regular duping. Only way I could see it is if you finish Stowaway then go to Quarry and start the timer, then get Rockets (Interdiction skip?) and a Helicopter within the 3 minutes. Even then ofc I doubt the 3 minute timer is as long as Green Goo is... I also tested this with Stowaway and NOE, both crashed on entering their mission start markers after starting Meat Business.

Perhaps there are some other missions which behave similar when duped together like this?

EDIT: Duping Home Coming and then Beat Down on B Dup (duping home coming causes two markers for beat down)

64couette likes this

I found out how to get the progress with denise bar to decrease. All you do is go on a date then save to the next in-game day (might need to wait outside for a bit). Then she will call CJ and if you ignore the call (let it ring out, don't cancel it) the progress bar goes down.

The progress with denise will not decrease when on mission is set to 1 for some reason (same as a phonecall). Which means if you walk into a marker at the exact right time it should set on mission to 0 and start the mission.

I cant get the timing right so I gave up but I'm fairly certain this is what happened to Josh in that run where he duped one of the later sweet missions. When you RTLS denise will call you( I think It could be random though) but if you are on a mission the call just gets skipped. When you finish the mission the progress bar goes down normally.

This could all be wrong and I need to do way more testing but I cant think of any other way that Josh could have duped. It couldn't have been a phone call because its impossible to dupe any% missions with just a phone call and no trucking/quarry setup. I think another runner did the exact same dupe accidentally.

Hampshire, England

According to Nick077J here how the timing for the call is decided: [21:22] <Nick007J> 0209: 5@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 23 [21:22] <Nick007J> 0209: 6@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 59

Meaning it's a completely random time of day (other than midnight and the first second of every hour)

Also CyberThunder had two stars when he did the same dupe as me, unless those stars were taken away by the mission and THEN the phonecall came it can't be that :(

It's not the phone call that does it but the actual progress bar that pops up. Well my theory anyway. It never appears on missions except when you somehow fluke the timing :D

The phone call could have been scheduled while on mission but the progress with denise wont go down until you aren't on a mission. The phone call and the progress going down happen separately (like 2 seconds apart).

And the progress bar acts really strange if you start a mission right before- sometimes it won't trigger for a while. Which explains why it is delayed until starting that sweet mission.

Going on a date with denise then saving like 5 times made the call consistent for me but yeah is somewhat difficult to predict without that. On some runs the progress will also change right after snail trail when the mission ends.

It HAS to be this right? I mean there is nothing else in the game that would cause it.


I tried to see how onmission flag can be related to gf progress and unfortunately haven't seen any connections. Phonecall on the other hand can affect it. I tried to track down what creates a phonecall thread and found two such instructions, one of which was definitely a planned phonecall with random time of call, the other seems to create a call thread right after some event. Unfortunately, girlfriend agent script is complicated and I didn't find any obvious relation.

The best thing of course is to turn scm-code into something more readable, understanding meanings of all variables, but that's not too easy.

Of course, I may be wrong with the real cause of onmission flag change, but I just couldn't find anything like that around girl progress change instructions.


Edit: About Denise: The dream is to dupe Riot twice (= 3 Riot instances ) to skip territories since then you can start EOTL part 2 and there is no territory check for that mission. We don't know how to do that though.

Mew, does she always call exactly at the same time? I don't know what that would mean but it seams relevant.

My guessing about 4¤ desert/LV is complete. Some of those are timed, others estimated. All timings were done without cops and at the end I say how much time the cops are "free to" cost you to still gain time overall.

Monster High Jack: detour over Badlands bridge railing -2: timed w/o cops or barriers -.5: lost due to careful drive over bridge railing Interdiction no skip (would be slower or impossible due to barriers on both ways and property buying to save for phone call starting Trucking) -.5 due to no heat-seeking missiles in order to keep the 120 missiles from TLF -1 due to boat strats and inferior vehicle N.O.E. it seams that no Hydras spawn Stowaway Casino phone call [ Toreno's Ranch ] +.5: at the expense of not having a heli Fender Ketchup Explosive Situation -.75: no heli, cops enforce first cracking the boxes with the dumper, then taking the dynamite with the Sanchez You've Had Your Chips Don Peyote Intensive Care phone call [ Four Dragons Casino ] -1 Intensive[/u] Care Meat Business Fish in a Barrel Freefall phone call [ Four Dragons Casino ] Madd Dogg police trolling is not too bad Freefall no Hydras seam to spawn -1 due to not skipping that mission Misappropriation Black Project Green Goo & High Noon phone calls [ Toreno's Ranch ] -1.5 High Noon Green Goo Saint Mark's Bistro phone call [ Four Dragons Casino ] -.5 Saint Mark's Bistro (unlocks LV) _ 8.25 lost

17.5 saved in sf via dupes (if I said 16.5 earlier, that was subtracting 1 for Interdiction, I don't do it here) 555 waiting skip +.5 +.25 unknown time saved due to preparations done during Outrider (now that no diving is required anymore) -.5 for Katie (without missiles you have big problems)

-> 17.75

17.75 -8.25

9.5 min saved 75min 4¤ trolling 7.5s per minute can be lost to get an equal time

64couette likes this


The video where cyber dupes he has wanted stars though so it wasn't the phone call. His progress with denise also goes down :/



Yay, another dupe! https://cdn.frankerfacez.com/49f658df1f1f6b7d216c3fe79ebc8122.png We are duping Fish in a Barrel to skip our beloved mission Freefall!

I timed ~1 minute saved and verified that it works.

Normally, casino missions don't start again right away after onmission=0 and you have to enter the casino again to start the second instance. Luckily, FIAB is different. Just do the replay trick I described above and let go off TAB during the cutscene. Here it is again: "You have a ringing phone during Quarry, press F1, hold tab, end the replay, go into the marker inside the interior, fail Quarry while inside the marker." If you let go too early it does not work so just wait until you see anything of the cutscene and it will work. Then wait for the second cutscene to appear and then skip it. You should be teleported in front of the casino twice, if you didn't then you failed. You will get the Freefall call and that's fine.

Having the satchel remote control equipped makes the security personnel attack you, so delay that as far as possible.

The call I use is a Catalina troll call. Afaik, there are no alternatives but I could be wrong. The mission script only checks once every 1000ms if the call is "due" (it is "due" 60s after the last call or mission or I don't know what else). There is no way of determining "where" in the 1000ms gap you are at the moment (0.1s in or 0.9 in) since, afaik, it isn't reset after missions or anything. The Quarry marker sets onmission=1 ~0.5 second after starting the mission, so not pause buffering would be slower on average: You'd have a 1/2 chance (0.5 second time window between mission start and onmission = 1, 1 second time between checks -> 0.5 / 1 = 1/2) of not getting the phone call, then you'd have to blow up the Dozer, wait 10s for the wanted level to disappear and the loading time and blow up time are 5s when added. So you have a 50% chance of losing 15s, losing 7.5s on average, or you could pause buffer for 2s. So on average, you lose more than 3x less time to pause buffering. To make pause buffering quicker, press the windows key and search for "keyboard" in your language and open that. One tab should say "speed" or something.

The timing: The bold values are precisely timed (although that precision does not make sense because I am bad and randomness). The 0 00 and 0 03 times mean that you do those things in both routes and describe the slight differences between the times. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16863306/FIAB_dupe.png?dl=1


I have found what leads to OMF == 0 with girlfriend. It's an error in phonecall thread after all.

thread 'MOB_GF' .. :MOB_GF_38 wait 150 gosub @SUB_GET_TIME_FROM_LAST_CALL

This subroutine gets time from last call and uses $TIME_FROM_LAST_CALL_GOT_FLAG as a flag that the time was calculated. This flag equals to 0 in some cases like being in interior, being in a car and so on. But most notably it is set to 0 if player is on a mission.

Every phonecall thread checks this flag and if it's 0 it just goes back the start again. In case of a girlfriend call it's not the case: if $TIME_FROM_LAST_CALL_GOT_FLAG == 1 else_jump @MOB_GF_1050 :MOB_GF_1050 08C0: clear $391 bit 11 gosub @SUB_END_CALL end_thread In girlfriend's case it prevents from further calling, and behaves like player missed this call (hence the progress decrease). This includes setting OMF to 0: :SUB_END_CALL .. $ONMISSION = 0

So the thing is, player is scheduled to get a girlfriend phonecall, but suddenly starts a mission. This leads to abandoning a phonecall and setting OMF to 0, even though OMF was set to 1 by a mission, not a phonecall.

The only question is when a call is scheduled for.

mew25 likes this

I have a save where she calls at the same time when i reload it. As for predicting it I haven't tried but its probably impossible :(

I cant even dupe with this method. I tried walking in right before the call(the timing could just be wrong), being on a mission when the call happens, standing in the marker and letting the call end and none of them work. Anybody else have any ideas how to do it?



I analysed the conditions for the glitched call. I may be wrong, but it seems to be working this way. There are two types of glitched calls. If a player has a progress with a girlfriend of -15 or lower (but not -100 and -999, probably constants for killing girlfriends), then the call will be generated as only player gets within a rectangle of 65 meters with her house in the center.

The second type is a usual call, when progress is higher than -15. If a player is within the same rectangle, then game chooses random hour and random minute for next call. This call would happen only if player is within that rectangle again at generated time.

It is possible that while waiting for chosen time no "consistent" calls can happen, and maybe it can be reset by dating another girl.

This is just an analysis of scripts, I didn't test it ingame, but maybe it will shed some light onto this call.

@Mew: Have you tried to block her call with a wanted level before starting a mission?

Josh's and Cyber's dupes were almost identical, both in actions and timing, so it could also be caused by pure luck. It feels like random dupes should have happened more often if they were caused by condition and not perfect timing. Or maybe the G4L mission is more susceptible to dupes than others.

Yeah I tried that. The call just never happens and progress doesn't go down. You need to actually hear the phone ring and then cancel it. Which means if you start a mission right after cancelling the call ONMISSION goes to 1 instantly which stops the progress bar until ONMISSION is 0

I don't understand Kappa

Might have something to do with a gang war?

The phone call that causes it only happens once or twice in any% and is likely to happen near that mission.

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