Frequently Asked Questions
4 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

death will not be added

MinecraftGaming likes this
Tyne and Wear, England

me, and several runners have an unofficial tied wr for it. with exactly 0.000 seconds. it's not going to get added

SpeedIn and Tutterey like this
New Zealand

can you edit in a timer in your run? pls answer thank you

United States

im almost 100% sure you can, but i think the mods re-time the run anyway

He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

That post was two months ago. Please don't respond to old posts. If you have a question, feel free to ask, but don't answer old questions.

@doraplayz I understand not answering old questions that have already been discussed or providing another opinion on something that was already talked about months ago, but in this instance, there was never an answer to to temp’s question, so I feel like it’s fine to answer it. If it were six+ months ago then yeah, just leave it, but with it being only two months and the fact that it never got an answer, I think that answering is the right thing to do

United States

i actually do have a question: what achievements are excluded from the 100% category? i know playing for 100 days has to be, so i was wondering if there were any more

Calvin_XD likes this
United States

is there one for 1.18


if im doing a ANY%Glitchless run wich difficulty do i use?

United States

@imINToky0 u can use any difficulty except peaceful, u can only use peaceful if ur running set seed peaceful

United Kingdom

Just run easy mate, I mean unless you want mob armour and stuff (why would u), there is no reason to do any other difficulty

Jux_LuxYT likes this

Where do I put all item runs? I am new to XD

United States

all items is not a category here in mcbe

Jux_LuxYT likes this

i cant change my update to 1.16 or whatever is needed for the 1.16+ all discs so do i still have to get otherside

can i use coordinates

Virginia, USA

I have a question on 1.19.63 Did beds get nerfed in the end/nether for some reason? I tried to use 3 beds to kill the dragon in one of my runs and it didn't work it barely got the dragons health down to 3/4 I even went into creative and used like 5 beds and it still barely affected the dragon I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I cannot seem to kill the dragon with 3 or 4 beds like I see some people do in their runs. I'm playing on Xbox Series S btw

Michigan, USA

You need to throw something at the dragons neck to deal quadruple damage (bedrock is weird)

Virginia, USA

Snowballs don't do damage though I thought Is there anything else i can use?

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New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

6 months ago
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