Insane Difficulty Boards Reset
2 years ago

With the change that came after the 1.4.0 update we had been rolling around with the idea of resetting the insane leader boards. This is because the AI for lunch lady herself had been extremely buffed making the old records set on insane essentially impossible to beat in the new update.

Thus, we have decided on wiping the boards clean for the insane difficulty, rather than creating a new sub-category for the new insane update (This would create a rather large number of more categories and we already have so much of them).

  • Malamber & ttpprr

What were the times before? I just did some 3 player insane runs in like 2:20


Hig High: 2:20 Swim Hall: 1:49 Crux: 1:53 Those were times for insane trio before the board reset

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Rule Change 1/7/2023 (READ BEFORE SUBMITTING)

There are two major changes going into effect for speedrunners. The first and largest is that ALL multiple-player runs that place in the TOP 5 must include ALL POVs for the run to be verified. There will be zero leniency for this rule. (All runs done after 1/10/2023 are subject to this rule change)

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