Out of Bounds rules
4 years ago

Does out of bounds mean being out of the map like in any% or is just being in a block between two in-bounds rooms also oob?

Anything that's outside the intended playable area is considered oob


Enderpearl clipping through a block? Enderpearl clipping through a door? inside the door is out of bounds, but its also intendet that you are where the door is

"Ender pearl clip through blocks outside of map boundaries is banned." From the In-Bounds rules. I'm assuming that clipping through blocks that are inside the playable area is allowed. This also applies for doors aswell. Also, I don't think that being inside a door is considered "out of bounds".


What, breaking blocks is not allowed? Its In-Bounds, that literally means you just need to be inbounds. Edit: I'm very confused!

Edited by the author 4 years ago

As stated from the rules: "Breaking blocks is banned (unless intended by the map creator)." Basically means that any form of block breaking unintended from the creator is not allowed. This still applies even if the block you break is still in bounds. If you have any question, please message me!

Also sorry if the rules are confusing. I only got mod because the other mods weren't able to verify my run, so I'm trying to stick with the rules that the original mods made.


I guess that rule makes no sense, In-Bounds is an Any%-Category restricted by not being able to go outside the map. (Edit: Its strange if you think about it)

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Your allowed to break any blocks in any%. I guess it doesn't really make sense since you could just break to the end, but I didn't make the rules.

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