How to break a boat?
2 years ago

I've seen some speedruners break the boat to get extra wood for beds.


do you mean a shipwreck? if so, perhaps an axe would help

United States

Chatting bot

Basque Country

you break any boat just hitting it various times right? lol

Kalaphant likes this

No, need to break it so that sticks and wood fall out of it.


There are glitches in the game that make boats drop the old loot (pre 1.3 loot for that matter) even tho mojang doesnt want you to do it. Also, @aconnx yea, this may be another freaking bot


Why tf are yall making fun of this guy for simply asking a question? Would it really hurt that much to give an answer instead of making fun?

You need to place and get into a boat on a side of a single block, when it falls to a ground it will break into 3 planks and 2 sticks. You need to place it almost as high on a side of a block as possible, heres a screenshot of a good placement:

And heres a quick video:

Hope it helped!

Kalaphant, ProgramClass2 and 12 others like this

@BSRF Thank you so much)

Basque Country

wow didn't know that tecnique, cool

United States

I feel like I've tried this 100 times and haven't got a single break is there something I'm missing?


yes, you need precision

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