Why Mcataclysm's run should not be allowed on the leaderboards
5 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

One word: Watermark. One of the points of having a VOD is being able to watch the game, right? How are we supposed to do that when there's a watermark covering up 70% of the screen? It's one of the most regressive things any runner could do - post a WR time (that's a full 2 seconds faster, I might add), but obscure the screen to make it more difficult for other players to watch, and thus attempt themselves. It's a shitty, scummy thing to do.

Furthermore, it makes authenticating the run harder. Who knows if there is a splice in that VOD? Turning the opacity down slightly on the watermark doesn't do anything. We can't know unless we take a very close look at it, because the watermark impedes us from doing that.

Other games on Speedrun.com outright ban overlays and popups that cover the game. I had a run rejected from the Harry Potter 7 part 1 leaderboards because I had too many StreamLabs widgets covering up the //borders// of the game screen. The BORDERS. Mcataclysm's watermark is directly in the centre of the screen. What if Cheese decided to start streaming like this? https://i.imgur.com/ibyp1EQ.jpg This should not be any different.

If Mcataclysm can prove that he can get a 1:01 without a watermark, then all is right with the world. Until then, his current VOD should be deleted, to uphold the integrity of the leaderboard.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
afnannen136, Vakala and 2 others like this

Yeah, you're absolutely right. I rejected this run in the first day with a reason "Please re-submit video without logo (show the game)". But today we discussed with some russian runners and decided to make concessions. I will reject this run again and give 2 mods to people who knows the game, because I'm not really interested in this game anymore after years.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
afnannen136, Hako, and HotCoffee like this

My watermark is almost transparent timer in corner can be visible at any time i measure time in live split!

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Like I said, if you record and upload a run without a watermark, then it will be approved. Not allowing a watermark to cover up your entire screen no matter the opacity isn't "shitty rules", it's just common sense. If you submitted a video with a watermark like this to Guinness World Records, they would reject it as well.

afnannen136, Hako, and Mcataclysm like this
Ottawa, ON, Canada

^Exactly. Like dude, they're very simple rules, if you can't follow them, then you can't expect us to accept your runs. Just remove the watermark, no one is going to steal your run.

afnannen136 likes this

first of all its not cuted my first place video,second one is different run it was recorded with redeon settings by replay option and dont know why end is missing but it can be calculated before intro my first place is legit even if dont appears on leaderboard! cheers

Fine I understand,also understand that you are first approved and my video isnt the best quality but timer is visible all the time from 22-00 game time which is important until game intro begins which in my case missing couple ms but can be calculated i expect to be approved or at list try beat my record because the video will be there as first world record!

when game freezes you are not moving in game like automaticly stops timer live spliter is a back up for timer in game so you can tell approximately exact time when you end your run i also use spliter and my time is 1min 0 sec and 67ms i calculate 6.5 sec time when malachi hit ground until intro add that time on my video and you will be surprised just do your moderator job and put me on leaderboard cuz i will run no more! dont spoil purpose of speedrun video will be there anyway cheers.

ok accept that from coz you are first on leaderboard but my first place cant be denied watermark dont cover a shit!

didnt say that was main reason but one of them also that rules come after my first upload, it will be fine if it covers most of screen and clock. its not ok to Conduct new rules on me in future its ok! end of discussion

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Stop being childish. We've been allowing you the chance to resubmit a run twice without a watermark, and yet you still choose to argue, and on top of that, try to disguise a previous run as a new one. Either remove the watermark and follow the rules like everyone fucking else, or leave.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
afnannen136, Hako, and Mcataclysm like this

can someone approve my video on leaderboard ?


@Mcataclysm any your run without watermark will be accepted, no problem

afnannen136 and Hako like this
Iowa, USA


In the future please let one of us Fmods on the site know about situations like this so that we can handle them, it seems like this one has been going on for nearly three months and nothing seems to have changed. I've warned the user that any further repeats of this will result in a site ban, we don't want our users on the site being harassed, their effort and time being wasted due to people submitting potential fake, flawed, cheated runs either.

I am going to lock this thread, it seems to me the leaderboard mods here know what is best and are doing a great job. No reason to give this any further attention, we apologize for not knowing about this sooner.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
afnannen136, HotCoffee and 2 others like this
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