Hi Oxknifer, I apologize about all of the run submits. I didn't realize after you selected submit run on a run you had to also do the drop down menu. I messed up like 5 separate times haha.
Please only verify the German runs nothing else :)
Thank you very much!
- Jaychalke
To be more specific.
Accept: Language Learning - 100 Grains, German 1st United StatesJaychalke 0m 17s 500ms Web Today Humanities - 100 Grains, Famous Paintings 1st United StatesJaychalke 1m 01s 800ms Web Today Language Learning - 1,000 Grains, German 1st United StatesJaychalke 4m 13s 800ms Web Today Language Learning - 10,000 Grains, German 1st United StatesJaychalke 33m 51s 270ms Web Today
Reject Language Learning - 1,000 Grains, All Subjects 1st United StatesJaychalke 4m 13s 008ms Web Today Language Learning - 1,000 Grains, All Subjects 1st United StatesJaychalke 4m 13s 008ms Web Today Language Learning - 10,000 Grains, All Subjects 1st United StatesJaychalke 33m 51s 270ms Web Today Language Learning - 10,000 Grains, All Subjects 1st United StatesJaychalke 33m 51s 270ms Web Today
Okay, so as you will find out I did a ton of runs. Still reject the 4 runs in the Reject paragraph above, and continue with the verification process for everything else. :)
Jay! Dude! I'm loving this haha :D
I have rejected the runs that you specified. Would you mind if I verify the rest over a span of time? This will get Free Rice more views on the home page -- every day people will see a new run or two by you.
Or I can verify them all today, just let me know.
I just realized I can help yall out with this for the future. If you mess something up while submitting a run, need a time change, want to delete the run, etc:
Go to the hourglass symbol in the navigation bar. Click "view all." Under "runs awaiting verification," simply click on the run you want to edit/delete. It will take you to the video of the run. Click on the vertical ellipsis on the topright of the box (above the video). There you can easily change or delete your run.
If you need more help with things like this, please ask!
Hey Jay and Airman! So I've been playing around with the front page for a while now, and its a bit tricky.
To get a run on the front page, it has to be processed rather quickly. When you submit a run, it gets added to a queue of run submissions in the order that they are submitted -- so even though I'll verify it later in the day, a bunch of other runs may be submitted and verified as well, pushing your Free Rice run off the page. I've tried editing the date element on each run and I'm not sure if that works... while I don't see the runs on my home page when I log out, the # of run views has jumped up by 13 since this morning.
Also, just to see what would happen, I copied one of each of your runs, submitted, and verified it (with your name on it). That actually worked; they are the only run that showed up on the home page. Is it all right if I keep doing that, so I know runs are showing up?
Hey Oxknifer,
Sounds great! I have more runs that I am ready to submit. Once you have verified the rest of my runs I will start submitting one run for one day, so you don't have to do the work yourself :D
Because it seems that the only way for the runs to show up is if you copy our runs, I've added you on discord to send you video links of my runs. I could just submit it to the site but it shows up as a rejected run and it bugs me to just see a rejected run in my pending runs page, even though it isn't really rejected. I just want it to look clean :)
Hopefully this is fine with you. If there are any problems or concerns with what I've stated above, feel free to tell me so!
EDIT: Oops, I have too many runs. Is it okay if you submit two everyday? Doesn't necessarily have to be at the same time, could be posted at two separate times during the day.
Hey, Jay! I saw you were fixing up the Golf It page and noticed that your badges aren't on a transparent background. In case you were looking for a way to do it: http://www166.lunapic.com/editor/?action=transparent That site works wonders -- I did it for my rice piles just last week. Good luck!
Sidenote: Changing pictures on this site is a little weird. Once you do it, give the site some time to process the new pictures if they don't show up when you reload the page.
Also, your runs with the facecam and music make them really fun to watch. Awesome job!