Darlington Station Cutscene Skip
8 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I think i found a thing so i thought i should put it here

RaggedDan, blindF, and enbee like this
United States

Hey, cool find!

It definitely looks like it saves time, but I don't know if it would be practical in a run if it uses console commands. I'm open to input on the subject about using it since there technically isn't a rule stating you can't.

Thanks for sharing!

ls300 likes this
Massachusetts, USA

found a way to get over without using console

Talcerase, ls300 and 2 others like this
Massachusetts, USA

i made a few mistakes and i still got a 1:35 soviet consulate, this saves alot

ls300 likes this
Queensland, Australia

it looks like it should save around 24 seconds here is a rough comparison video

Talcerase, Teletack, and blindF like this