Trick Library
9 years ago

Hi all,

Is it possible to add YouTube/Twitch links to the Trick Library for those who may be unsure what the trick is?

Not an explanation just a videoing showing the trick being done?

Could help new runners?


i would suggest looking at the "all routes" doc, most of the tricks have videos on it.

Texas, USA

The "all routes" doc is outdated, and needs new editors bc i cant really commit to that anymore :(


it still has some video for some tricks


Don't know where to put this, so I'll put it here, so it doesn't get forgotten. This is the Nightmare Moldorm swag kill (stop dash with shovel, then equip sword and poke him 8 times). It is very easy to master and very consistent (and looks really sexy). Runners that tend to drop Moldorm might want to use this strategy :) + you get to have Powder equipped for Blob as default (which is pretty cool, if you don't get the Blob QK). It is also not that much slower than the normal sword mashing strat.

Equips would be as followed: Enter Egg with Boots + Bombs --> switch to Sword + Powder on Blob --> switch to Boots + Shovel after last hit on Aga --> switch to Boots+Sword when you stopped your dash --> Feather+Arrows on Dethyl

United States

Strat's too risky; you might kill Moldorm by mistake.


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