Drain opener?
4 years ago
Ohio, USA

A guide was recently posted by Gamex_64 purporting to skip the "drain opener". I have probably played hundreds of hours of this game and have never seen any drain opener, and the post is too vague to figure out what it means from context clues. If Gamex is seeing this, please add a screencapture or video to your guide to make it clear what you're talking about.

But, how I do that? How I put a clip in the guide? I just need to put a link to YouTube or something else? Also, It would take a little bit because I'm in school, for Saturday I would upload a clip.

P.D : I would upload a guide of a infinite climbing with the electrostaff.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Ohio, USA

@Gamex_64 yep, just put a link to a YT video and it will embed it, like the ones in my weapon glitch videos.

I'm not certain if infinite climbing with the electrostaff is that notable, but it is a little tricky, so feel free to upload a guide of it if you like.

Yeah, I just dominate it and it's so cool, the guide comes this Friday, maybe, see you soon!

Phoenix, AZ, USA

The guide won’t come dude

Yes it will come, what do you mean?

Phoenix, AZ, USA

I just made that comment as a joke since the thread was two years old haha.

Edited by the author 1 year ago

No worries mate :)

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