6 years ago
Maryland, USA

So I finally got the SBLJ (no DDD Skips yet unfortunately) I've done 2 in the past hour lol. It took about 6 hours to learn them, though I sorta went right for it I've never even done a legit run yet. My question to those familiar with the sblj is how do I get more consistent with it, if at all. Is it one of those things you can't really nail down or will I be able to do it as often as say the LBLJ? One last thing, I use the pillar method (to the left) and I don't really get what I'm suppose to be looking for I've heard a shake I've heard when the camera drops lower, both of which are constantly happening lol so could anyone clear that up for me? Thanks to all in advance

 Fancy J
Caernarfonshire, Wales

My tip on SBLJ is line up with the stairs and the pillar. It works for me 60% of the time. And i try to pause buffer to get DDD skip.

Fancyjosh likes this
Caernarfonshire, Wales

If it doesn't work i will try to find a more consistent setup for it.

Maryland, USA

I have noticed the harder angle i put on it the less forgiving it can be. Supposedly the hardest part of the sblj is hitting the sweet spot and getting stuck. It's a frame perfect trick. Although n64 has a frame rate of like 15 a sec lol so it isn't all that hard to hit once you have the timing down. Basically as soon as you're about to touch the ground hold left and mash A. If you can see Mario move left it was too early.

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