Can Forums Count?
5 months ago
Texas, USA

Comment: This is inspired by a thread that I suggested in Mobile Speedrunning Discord

Specifically this thread

The rules are easy:

  • In base ten integers, we will collectively count as high as we can following this summation: ∑(N=1 to ∞)(1)
  • Cardinal numbers are preferred, but you can also be creative, so long as you explain how your creative representation of the number is equal to the actual number needed. But better just to do regular numbers lol.
  • Count resets if a number is posted out of order, if you post a number twice in a row, or if a comment is typed without writing "Comment" before the comment.
  • Your number must be typed before "Comment," unless your comment is a standalone post.
  • No post edits or deletions allowed (if discovered within a count, there could be consequences!)
  • I will not be monitoring the progress of this thread. Follow the rules at your own will.
  • Commenting "Lock" means that any edits/deletions before the locked post, intended or unintended, won't end a run.

Target goals:

1 - Achievement: IT BEGINS. Yay, activity! Unlocks the ability to start the game over by posting "1"

10 - Achievement: SHOW ME YOUR HANDS. Because humans have ten fingers, this number became important.

25 - Achievement: QUARTER MACHINE. But I don't have any quarters to hand out.

50 - Achievement: 50 CENT. Honoring a rapper born in 1975.

100 - Achievement: TEN PEOPLE'S HANDS. Because if each finger represented one human with ten fingers, this number became important.

250 - Achievement: TEN QUARTER MACHINES. I still have no quarters in them.

500 - Achievement: 500 CENT. He grew a beard and his hair turned white.

1000 - Achievement: GETTING THERE. Slightly closer to infinity.

2500 - Achievement: LOTS AND LOTS OF QUARTERS. So you own a laundromat now?

5000 - Achievement: 5000 CENT. He is an ancient and incredibly powerful man.

9001 - Achievement: IT'S OVER 9000!!!!

10K - Achievement: ALL HANDS IN. We did this together. Will it end now or...?

Current Record: 148

Edited by the author 2 months ago
italvera, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 5 others like this
Texas, USA


Achievement unlocked! IT BEGINS. Yay, activity! Unlocks the ability to start the game over by posting "1"

Good luck :D

SuperGamer64 and EXPL like this
Phayao, Thailand


SuperGamer64 likes this
Texas, USA


Comment: Holy shit we're almost at ten

SuperGamer64 and EXPL like this
Somerset, England


Comment: this counting reminds me of another thread

SuperGamer64 and EXPL like this
Texas, USA


Comment: @pengu101 which one

SuperGamer64 and EXPL like this
United States


Edited by the author 5 months ago
SuperGamer64 and EXPL like this
Texas, USA




Achievement: SHOW ME YOUR HANDS. Because humans have ten fingers, this number became important

SuperGamer64 and EXPL like this
Texas, USA


Comment: Oh. Clearly I'm late and now I feel like an uncultured mammoth

pengu101, SuperGamer64, and EXPL like this


SuperGamer64 likes this