Optimal BBG Shot losing framerule (sometimes)
6 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

You BBG veterans will likely be able to answer this one. As a BBG newbie - it's confusing me.

I'm doing what appears to be the same setup, but sometimes I'm getting rule 335 on the pellson rom (the good framerule from the optimal shot) and sometimes rule 336 (the "bad" framerule from the optimal shot)

Any idea as to why this is? Is it just a luck thing? or am I somehow doing something that's affecting this outcome. Thanks :)

The included video is just one example of the two rules that I could find that were close to each other so you didn't have to watch a long video

The only thing I can figure - is that when going frame by frame, I took one additonal frame to jump in the second (bad) bbg... so I jumped when BB was slightly PAST the halfway point, and I think I ran on the pillar for an extra frame as well. That's most likely to answer to this question I guess... is that you have to be careful about when exactly you jump relative to BB's position past the pillar and how many frames you take on the top of the pillar before jumping...

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Ontario, Canada

It has to do with how fast you go over the pipe in 8-2, and where you land on the bill. Landing further back and barely clearing the pipe will lose enough frames for the framerule

Lul_ecks_dee likes this
Oklahoma, USA

But I've landed almost at the BACK of the Bill and kept the framerule, and sometimes I'm at the nose of the bill and lose it. (at least I think that's true - I've only recently been checking the rule I end up on in 8-3)

Lul_ecks_dee likes this
Oklahoma, USA

So it sounds like the primary issue is probably the speed at which the pipe was jumped over earlier in the level

KingOfJonnyBoy likes this
United States

No going over the pipe faster doesn't guarantee that you get a faster shot. Different speeds over the pipe will yeild different bullet shot times but faster pipe doesn't equal earlier shot.You just seem to be practicing on a bullet shot that's somewhere between "optimal" and "unoptimal". I made a thread on this a while ago.

KingOfJonnyBoy and Darpey like this
United States

forgot to mention... I'd recommend practicing with the sock folder rom to learn BBG. Sub pixel values ...080 to ...270 yield BBG. Using that rom you can tell whether your jumping too early or too late.

Oklahoma, USA

Have you ever done a large sample size of attempts to see your percentages? I've gotten anywhere from 16% (using an old bad method) to 27% over a sample of 100 attempts - curious what you get since you've clearly done lots of attempts and research

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

what is the old bad method?

Ontario, Canada

So, I guess, does anyone have a Nestopia 8-2 save state that is on the right framerule? I guess I can make one my self, I just don't know how to use the coin to tell me when to start.

Oklahoma, USA

Red - It's what the gif file used to be for bbg. I didn't know you could do the backwards jump without pressing left first... So I pressed left then jump then right like the 4-2 jumps. Made it very inconsistent and sometimes fell in the pit

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Oklahoma, USA

Jonny use the pellson 1.7 rom and go to framerule 0539 for 8-2 and do the fast jump to get optimal shot - if that's what you meant

Ontario, Canada

But I meant for the FPG ROM so I can get subpixes @Darpey

Darpey likes this
United States

oh i see. I didn't do much work looking at different setups to give you the right subpixel at the flagpole. I was more working on finding frame rules and setups in 8-2 that will yield an optimal BBG shot.

My strat at the stairs is:

  1. Do a backwards jump onto the stairs
  2. Before you land, hold down+right to keep you from turning around
  3. Wait for bullet to be in the middle of the column
  4. While still holding down+right do a full jump to the column
  5. Right before landing release down
  6. Jump after ~1-2 frames on the column
Oklahoma, USA

Why down + right? What advantage does that have over just landing on the second stair backwards then jump +right without ever pressing down?

Ontario, Canada

@Darpey You don't need to worry about press right to early or too late it is always the same.

Oklahoma, USA

aah keeps that part constant

KingOfJonnyBoy likes this
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