Okay. So I made a video the other day about so many games recently splitting up their boards using subcategories and NOT using the site's filter function. I'm not posting this to promote, but rather so you can get an idea what I am talking about:
There are plenty of leaderboards I could show right now that just to demonstrate how "unnecessary" they really are: http://www.speedrun.com/re7 https://www.speedrun.com/vc#Any https://www.speedrun.com/jak3 https://www.speedrun.com/re3
I could go on with examples that I posted earlier, but I feel like almost every one of them would be "fixed" by more visible filters... or could get a bit unclustered at least. There are a bunch of boards that I can look at and say: "Well this looks awful." - I am sorry for possibly mentioning your Leaderboards with the ones I posted as an example. Didn't mean to offend anyone! :/
I can already hear a comment saying "every community needs to make their own decision on what a category is" and yes, I agree, but it would be nice to see this awesome function we have not be replaced by Subcategories, just because they're "easier" to use.
One of the comments I got was pointing out how "obsolete" the filters are and that that person for instance rather clicks on a subcategory button once than three times on filter. So I came up with the idea to maybe show filters almost as a subcategory, but on the right side, where it usually way? It would look something like this: http://imgur.com/a/msU9P
Would it be hard to implement this? I'd love to see this change made in the near future!
Thanks a lot for reading. Boomer
Dugongue: What ROMaster2 said is accurate. We want to add flexibility for score tracking, the timer mechanism admittedly doesn't well allow that right now.
Drakodan: That's possibly okay in the scheme of things. Most boards don't opt to abide by "no self-verification", so if the default was the "desired option by the most people", I think it would actually be to automatically verify. That said having better tools for boards that want to go that route would certainly be useful.
LaV: Yeah, I don't like that subcategories totally isolate all possibility of comparing something.
Super327: I don't disgaree, but search bar changes are a large task to my understanding.
thatgrapeisaspy: Automated reporting would be very useful; we'd also need to integrate it into a queue on the staff side.
FabbrizioCalamitous: Probably makes more sense as such, yeah.
Julian: I thought you had to have a verified run of the game to submit it currently. I might be wrong on that.
Boomer: Kinda what LaV was mentioning as well. The filter mechanism has a very mediocre visual display and clickthrough right now.
I need to work with Pac and see what the plan is here the next couple months for development. There are numerous items that could be fixed going forward.
Thanks for the update, kirkq :)
I noticed something this week about the WR history graph. If more than one person beats a record in a day, the only one that shows up in the graph is the faster time. For instance, today over at https://www.speedrun.com/Color_Switch/gamestats you can see that ChocolateTheGaming beat the WR for Challenge 1-10. But in all fairness, jonasobv beat the record earlier in the day, so his record should be displayed on the graph as well. I've seen this occur on other leaderboards as well (like Disney Crossy Road).
WR history graph fix #2: It would be great to have a switch to toggle every category off/on so we don't have to toggle all of them just to get a close-up on one category.
Edit 07/27/2023 WR Graph All Categories Toggle is more or less fixed with the update allowing us to select a single category. Thanks!
I think there should be something that encourages users to 'explore' the games on the site to let them see what they may be interested in following. There's plenty of games users would recall from memory from seeing the name or cover art. All Games doesn't do a very good job of this in my opinion; a different tab with its own system would work better (maybe called Explore). I'm still conceptualizing how it would work and I'll come back to it when I have some solid ideas.
Bumping a little something from a month ago, XBL and PSN would make a great addition to social contacts
I just wrote a nice post that got deleted because I logged out in another page... :/
Summary: The speedrun.com homepage has the "latest runs" feature, which is perhaps one of the best on the site. It really helps get all sorts of games the recognition they deserve, and even helps people find games they may want to run.
Currently, the "latest games" acts like a queue that is based on when runs are submitted. But it be based on when runs are verified. For example, a user named Jonas submitted a Color Switch run yesterday that was verified today. When I logged out of my account to see where it was on the latest runs page, it was the last game featured. I reloaded the page a minute later and the run, along with several other runs that the mods verified today, were grouped together off of the page. This is because other games that were submitted and verified later pushed Color Switch off of the "latest runs" page.
Please change the page to feature runs that have just been verified. This will help ensure that all games get the attention they deserve -- until an "exploration" feature is implemented (see ROM's suggestion above).
I think I suggested this before, but unofficial games/leaderboards with a notable number of players (like 5 or more) should be allowed to appear on the front page by default. There's clearly some competition going on that makes them worth giving some attention to.
I don't know if this was posted previously, but a Guide section for profiles would be really cool to recognize people that submit guides. Also that would mean for those who submit guides that they don't have to go from game page to game page to edit their guides.
Noticed there's no /user/ in the URL of @cLaW [https://www.speedrun.com/claw] an every time I wanna go to the game Claw [https://www.speedrun.com/Claw] by typing it in I end up at his profile. Could u change the profile link for @cLaW URL to {https://www.speedrun.com/user/cLaW} and redirect the old URL to the game. Thanks in advance
@TARS Game URLs are case-sensitive. You have to capitalize the C to get to the game page. I feel like this issue has been pointed out before, but I don't know if anything was going to be done about it.
@CardsOfTheHeart Didn't know about this coming up before and I know this is not the biggest deal or anything but if there's anything the admins can do to fix it in some way It would make my life easier.
Suggestion: Have users auto-follow games they submit runs to. This would be toggled in settings and on by default. If it's possible, have it so it'll only auto-follow if it's their first submission, even better if it's the first submission since the feature was added, otherwise someone who runs a game (and doesn't want to follow) would be rather harassed by it. Applying it retroactively may not be a good idea, unfortunately, but retroactive follows may be good for moderators that existed before that mod update a while ago.
The case-sensitive URLs are really dumb. I have no idea how much work it would be to fix it at this point though.
ROMaster2: Maybe as an option for users to enable but off by default. Users shouldn't be forced to follow just by submitting unless they want that to be the behavior.
[quote=kirkq]Maybe as an option for users to enable but off by default. Users shouldn't be forced to follow just by submitting unless they want that to be the behavior.[/quote]It's not forcing users to follow; if they have a real problem with it they'd just turn the setting off, and with the first submission clause it would only happen once in a while. It's to encourage users who don't notice or care about the follow feature to keep tabs on the games they run. It's especially useful for unpopular games.
Highly active users would be well aware that it exists; it's primarily intended for those who aren't 'power users' of the site.
I don't know when this started happening (probably with the new site update), but bullets are no longer showing on unordered lists. Here is an example:
- An item
- Another item
- A third item
I show up just fine in any list thank you very much.
For some runs, users write something like "run starts at 2:20" in the comments of their run. Is it possible to allow for submissions of YouTube videos that start at a specific time? Currently, any video submitted with a time modification (?t=##m##s at the end of the link) will ignore the modification and start at 0:00. This fix would save a lot of editing time for users who submit runs using YouTube.
June 2018 Edit: Thanks for implementing this feature!
For some reason us flags aren't working lol https://gyazo.com/84bc7ec0853534e385582885c25d56a2