100% Category%
2 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

Just Do Everything Get Every Collectible, Get Every Ending, Play Every Arcade Machine, Get Every Achievement Do Everything The Games Got For You

Buffalo, NY, USA

Would this include all the secret things or does this just include every Collectible, Ending, Arcade Machine, and Achievements?

British Columbia, Canada

Yes, Secret Things Count And Achievements Count

Michigan, USA

This would be fun to try

Michigan, USA

This already exists over in the Category Extensions page

British Columbia, Canada

Why Isn't Listed Under The Leaderboard Section

United States

Why don't we move True100% to the main categorys, since even the Mods say that the extra ones are a joke and they dont care about them.

that1cl0ud likes this
New Zealand

not true lmao, grimgold (for some reason) is being a god and grinding category extension runs and prioritizing those

Illinois, USA

@YourMellonianFello nuke was referring to whoever said the category extensions were just a joke (thought it was you but i just searched through your message history and couldn't find you saying that). that's great that grim is focusing on category extensions, but the point was that if the other categories are intended to be jokes, it would make more sense to bring true 100% to the main leaderboards

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About FNAF:SB - Ruin and 1.13

hey all, cloud here.

as you all know, the DLC for FNAF:SB, Ruin has released. in case you are unaware, we have made a separate board for ruin, which can be found at this link:

an embargo has been placed on the board, which will last roughly a week or so. this

1 year ago