Unintended Screen Transitioning
9 years ago

I found a way to move screens where you shouldn't be able to. Here is a video of it. This is on Genesis and I haven't tested others yet but I assume it would work on others.

I haven't tested/looked for other places this could be done and where they go so I'll update this once I mess around with it more.

United States

Interesting to see how they put together the inside building sets. I'm not sure there are many other places with a door like that and someone to damage boost you through it, but nice find none the less.

United States

Also, I just reproduced this on the NES, so it is across all platforms.

Ok here is a map of the rooms that would be possible to get to.

Note that 2 of the areas along the bottom are screwed up. They are the B,7 area from the overworld map but with the incorrect sprite sheet or whatever. You can enter the cave like normal to fight the boss but you cant use the downward exit that would normally be there. Also note that 4,3 on this image is Houses to Prison shortcut.

I was messing around with this in other places and I ended up finding another secret room that has a 150 dove drop in it. I'm not sure what actually unlocks the area though. It's by the first boss there is a hidden path off to the side. Vials didn't work to reveal it so I loaded a different savestate I had that was more progressed through the game and the path was just open on it. So it might have to do with obtaining one of the pieces of armor? See here

United States

You need to get the Sword for that secret to open up. And nice find, where did you get that shot of those screens? You can use the downtown key building to move right to the top of the building to the 2nd boss. That's a decent time save!

I used cheats to move myself to the edge of screens so that I could move to the next one and just put them all together.

I don't think it's possible to get to but at the Slums (D,2) there is a room that has a key. Along the bottom of the room with the key in it there is an entire line of 16 keys just OoB that you can't see.

I wonder if there is a place with doves like this and if it's possible to get to them.

Edit: Seems most all the shops have a line of 16 doves just under them.

United States

Would be nice to find. So far there is no good way to farm the 820 SP needed for 100%.

Are there more secret rooms with dove drops in them? I got a total of 1,440 needed for 100%. Then there's the 150 and 255 dove drops so that takes it down to 1,035.

Or maybe the prices lower on NES?

I also found a test/debug room now. I don't see a way to get into it without cheats though.

United States

Item Cost Quantity Total Cost

Pear 25 3 75 Apple 40 4 160 Pomegranate 60 4 240 Grape 75 4 300 Banana 90 4 360 Torch 150 1 150 Jawbone 195 1 195 ------------- 1480 1480 - 255 1st Boss farming 1225 - 255 Lost Sea 970 - 150 by Belt 820 Left to F arm

United States

Formatting didnt stick, bleh.

So the sword is not the trigger for the Secret area by the Belt for the 150 Dove drop. I just tried getting all pieces of armor and items and it's still locked.

United States

Interesting, I remeber as a kid going back there aftet getting the sword cause i thought you could blow up the wall there (when in the spot with the 7 vials, you can see 3 gray block in the wall) and it was already open.

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