New 100% Category proposal
5 years ago

Hello there mod and runners.

I would like to propose a new category "100%".

What I believe the objectives should be for 100% this game are:

  1. Find all 20 main objects (Including Solvent not needed in Any%)
  2. Take all 4 weapons (Including Knife and Shotgun not necessary in Any%)
  3. Read all files, notes and letters (13 in total)
  4. Solve all puzzles (Including the use of the solvent in the wall for the safe code)

N.B. Collect all ammo and healing items is not needed to complete the game 100%.

N.B. Kill all enemies is not needed to complete the game 100%.

N.B. The runner has to show all 13 files and 4 weapons in the inventory before fighting the last boss. If the runner does not show the inventory before the end of the run the submission will result in a rejection.

I run Dawn of Fear 100% following my/these rules this morning: At 32:04 of the video I showed my inventory.

What do you think?

If you agree on my rules and add the category, I will submit this as my first run.



Edited by the author 5 years ago

While Waiting a feedback I run again 100% following my rules: This run is much cleaner.


I keep running this and I don't even know if this is valid or I'm just wasting time.... Please @Duders add 100% category.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Thanks @Duders for adding me as moderator. I will add the category and the runs this afternoon. Cheers.

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