Timing clarification
3 years ago
United States

How are we retiming runs? Are we using Slush Puppy's retime tool ( https://github.com/Slush0Puppy/retime ), an online retimer ( https://slashinfty.github.io/yt-frame-timer/ ), or something else? I compared a recent run I did with the current WR side by side. WR was about 1.5 seconds faster than me. However, when I retimed my run using https://slashinfty.github.io/yt-frame-timer/ , my time was 3:30. The starting frame was when I pressed "z" and ending frame was when I received the level 8 medal on the final screen.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I use the slashinfty timer and you've named the correct start & end points, so that's peculiar. Could you post your run for comparison?

For my all bronze run, I get "Time starts at 4.300 and ends at 206.733 at 30 fps to get a final time of 0h 3m 22s 433ms", so ~1.5 behind should be right at the border of 3:23-3:24.

I didn't notice any difference in the load time for the final level screen when looking at the runs currently on the board, but if that is an issue we can adjust the endpoint earlier. Though presumably it would occur across all the level screens...

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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United States

Ah, my bad. I was putting in the frame where you get medal 8 on the screen where it shows all the medals, not when you receive the medal on the level complete screen.

No problem. I've edited the rules to make that clearer.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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