3 years ago

Hello to everyone who clicked on the thread! How's your day going? I'm writing this as a request for Tealerland as a speedrunnable FNAF Fan game on speedrun.com, and there is a few good factors that will be interesting while runners do this game: There is a time in the bottom left corner, which shows you your time in the hour and your overall time of all of the levels. There is also a big difference in how you play the game and more in the actual gameplay that will effect your final time more greatly than just waiting for 6am There is already tons of uploaded to Youtube Tealerland speedruns and it is very tight! The current world record held by me and the second place respectfully to Frogger25 have a gap of only 5 seconds which is very small indeed. There is always somewhere to improve which will make this game even more interesting and it has the right qualifications to have a ton of fun while doing the runs! Of course, this is such a suggestion and the mods will have the final word, but I thought of pointing this game out since it's one of my favorites

BunnyH8TR and KaleThePlant like this
Queensland, Australia

hello. there is now a speedrun.com leaderboard for tealerland at https://www.speedrun.com/tealerland

British Columbia, Canada

Can Someone Add It To FNaF Fangames

Hamburg, Germany
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

fr, y'all added JR's, why can't you add Tealer?