Hi all,
I just finished this game not too long ago and I have a real interest in routing this. I have no experience in routing RPG's (previously only ran/helped route platformers) but hopefully I have enough insight into the game to make it worth while (at least maybe make this game 100% more active :3c ). If anyone has suggestions though let me know!
I plan on first doing "Any% NG, True Ending w/o DLC". Category sounds kinda meme but I don't like using DLC so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I guess this was mainly to get my foot in the door and get conversations rolling. I will make a Google doc when I start (most likely tonight) and will keep people interested in this updated as I move along.
I also just realized it wouldn't be "any%" if it is "true ending" so drop the "any%" part (for the category), that was silly and it is just second nature to add "any%" to every category ever :3c