4 years ago
United States

This shows a few examples in the speedrun where power turning is faster than regular turning/driving. Ctrl is my focus button here.

  1. In the Backseat Driver 2 drive, you must go on the stairs to avoid the police if you do the power turn route that I show here.

  2. The Hope is a Sad Thing driving route w/ power turns might not actually be faster because you still have to wait for the enemy vehicles, or you might lose the enemies there.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Top left (Preferred Strat) does the new strat where you take a car and use it to profile Helena. Then you hack Helena on foot and switch to the Sayanora to drive to the convoy. The car that I got here is pretty average. This probably could be a second faster if I had better execution with the hacking and running to the bike.

Top right does the same thing as the top left, but you stay in the car the whole way. It has great RNG (550S spawn close to mission start) and great execution.

Bottom left (Alternate Strat) uses an average car found on the road and drives as close as possible without failing the mission. Then you get out of the car to profile/hack Helena. You switch to the Sayanora to drive to the convoy.

Bottom right does the old strat where you run all the way to Helena on foot and use a bike to drive to the convoy.

United States

This video compares the new preferred strat (on the top left), a riskier strat (on the top right), and the current strat (on the bottom left) for Jury-Rigged (A2M6). The top left and top right are pretty much about the same speed depending on the optimizations being done. The dirt bike and best spawn is used for consistency, but it should still be faster than the current strat at the other spawn points or with the chopper instead. The chopper can not maneuver as well as the dirt bike on this mission.

When entering the red area, you do want to crash into the blue barrier to make the two guards in front look over there. This increases the consistency and makes sure they don't detect you unless you crash into something/get stuck.

For the left sniper, if he is looking towards your direction when you are approaching the middle terminal, you can go to the left behind some boxes to avoid him. You also want to avoid crashing into the trash bags near there so that the snipers don't look down towards you. And for the right sniper, steer clear of his sight/laser to avoid detection.

There could also be enemies near the right terminal if you do this strat, so be careful about that. You could avoid this if you throw a grenade near the first terminal (before or after you hack it). Or just drive slowly to avoid detection and use the forklift near there to distract the enemies (preferred method).

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

This shows the new strat that Mr. Dirtbag found on this mission and I improved upon. You can use a grenade to blow up the explosive box so that it and the steam don't get in the way later (Or you can just hack the box early at some point). The cameras can just be used to skip some running around.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

You can hack someone to skip the call between the suspect and Damien in this mission.

I recommend using the silenced pistol to kill the guy because that means less people will run away. The bus stops on the street outside the gate seem to always have someone to hack. This strat does force you to take the car unless a bike spawns on the street nearby. I took the car here to demonstrate that you could still reach the bunker cash run in time.

Thanks to @MrDirtbag for finding this and hardVatsuki for letting me know about this strat.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Instead of using the containers to get to this generator, you can use the fixed boat spawn in the building instead. It is much easier to use the back of the boat than the side/front of the boat to jump up there (It also isn't possible to use the front of the fishing boat). You also have to climb where there is no tire on the first row because they can prevent you from climbing. The boat saves about 4-5 secs over the old strat.

Thanks to @README for this strat.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

You can just use cameras and an explosion (to attract the guard) to complete this ctOS control center. Make sure to not drive too close to the gate when you approach the control center because that can distract the guard who you need to hack. Also, don't hack the forklift either. This new strat is consistent and pretty safe.

United States

Found a better/more consistent bike strat for this mission that doesn't involve killing/running over anyone with the bike. For the enemy area, you do want to slow down a little bit before entering so that the first guy doesn't detect you. The second guy can also be in a different spot, so make sure to check where he is before entering.

United States

For the guy in the underground section, you have to do a stop and go motion to get past him. The other cutscene trigger in the last area might not always work either.

United States

A way to save time for the boat section in For the Portfolio has been found! The trick that allows you to enter/exit the boat after entering it for the first time is to have the phone up prior to entering it. You must keep it up to be able to do the dialogue skips.

For the bike, you want to use the same one that you drove to the junkyard with. This should limit the time loss, if any, that you get from taking it with you to the end. The T-bone dialogue skips can only be done with a controller on this mission because it allows you to aim from the phone menu. First, you have to block T-bone's path with a bike to prevent him from entering the boat; you must do this correctly though so that he doesn't warp to the boat also. You must then use the grenade launcher to knock T-bone to the ground to skip his dialogue like you normally would if Aiden was to do a dialogue skip. To prevent T-bone from ragdolling and staying on the ground for a long period of time, you should blow up T-bone when he's not on top of the bike or when he's not on the ground; that should allow for faster dialogue skips.

The Aiden dialogue skips can be done with controller or M/K. You again use the phone trick to exit the boat and use a fixed bike to do some dialogue skips.

Thanks to @MrDirtbag for finding the boat dialogue skips on this mission.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

You can block the doors of T-bone's car by throwing an item (IED, Lure, etc.) on the doors to prevent him from getting in the vehicle. This somehow makes the autosave appear sooner because he can't get in. You have to wait several seconds before you can actually move T-bone, so this doesn't waste any time if you do it quick enough.

This was found by Beanieboy.

United States

The cutscene showing the call between Damien and Racine is skipped if you are able to do this strat successfully. This shows how much time the grenade launcher strat can save on Breakable Things. It was found that Racine spawns inside his garage area if you go to the computer and Aiden says "Nothing". None of the regular weapons or explosives could penetrate the walls, but a grenade launcher could if you use a trick to shoot through the wall. I also show my setup here and how to use it to shoot through the wall.

Getting the grenade launcher costs $4000. The best place to get it is normally somewhere where you would already use a CR and not be blocked by any phone calls, so that would be after Tools of the Trade (Act 2 pawn shop). The CR at the gun shop is made after Foresight. Because you spend $4000, that means you probably can't get the Sayanora that early anymore, so you will have to use the Kodachi instead for the first half of Act 2 (not shown here). This also means that more time is lost than shown because you don't get to use the Sayanore until you get enough money later in the run (possible during Breadcrumbs). The enemies in Breakable Things do not despawn if you do the GL strat.

Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for finding this strat.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Since we now get the grenade launcher early to do the improved Racine skip, we have one for this mission (Collateral). Killing the two snipers on top of the roof first makes the cars spawn sooner. You can save a lot of time on this mission with the GL because you don't have to wait for the vehicles to get into position.

United States

You can take a faster route after exiting the elevator. And on the roof, you can skip the Aiden monologue at the end with an explosive.

Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for both of these.

United States

For the top left route, you create a cash run while driving to Pit of Paranoia and use that to teleport to For the Portfolio. The T-bone dialogue skips can still be done here because you get the bike.

In the top right route, you quit out of Hope is a Sad Thing at the junkyard to create the cash run. This allows you to teleport directly into the mission, but you don't get to use a bike for the T-bone dialogue skips. However, you do not always spawn in the same place when you quit out of the mission, so what I show here is probably the best case scenario for quitting the mission.

In the bottom left, everything is done normally, but you also do the T-bone dialogue skips due to having a bike.

Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for finding out that it's possible to use a cash run to teleport to For the Portfolio.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

This shows the new cash run that you can make after Jury-rigged (A2M6) to teleport to Planting a Bug (A2M14). It is faster than using the old cash run and getting a good bike spawn.

Credit goes to @MrDirtbag for finding the new cash run.

United States

Found a faster way to access the exercise yard terminal while doing the dialogue skip in Dressed in Peels.

For the new strat on the left, just make sure to stop sprinting a couple of steps before you enter the room with the terminal. That should prevent the guard from detecting you.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Now that we have the grenade launcher, it is faster to kill the enemies than escape by driving away. First, shoot 20+ times to make the enemies pursue you. That also makes the guys on foot not spawn. Then blow up all enemy vehicles as quickly as possible. This saves 3+ seconds if done well.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Finally a new strat for Stare into the Abyss! There is no need to run across the road and hack the terminal. You can just use cameras to hack it instead and reload the autosave to teleport yourself across.

United States

The new strat has you use cameras to hack the ctos box. Hack the attract to force the guard inside the room and then use his camera to hack the ctOS box. This is faster than running to the ctOS box on foot and reloading autosave by 2 secs (more if you have slow loading).