michael loser and does not know how the timer works on android
2 years ago

there was no need for that post mate

Santerim and Chrepuhon like this

1.Shut the fuck up 2.Fixed

Chrepuhon likes this

3.No you stfu 4.Can i be in the next happy saving ?

Chrepuhon likes this
Chicago, IL, USA

Shut the fuck up.

Michael_00006, Chrepuhon and 2 others like this

No you shut the fuck up

Chrepuhon likes this
United Kingdom
  1. I was put off by the fact it said the RTA was 1.12 which I fixed and wasn't paying attention.
  2. I'm sure your mistakes in life were much more significant than this.
Chrepuhon and Galaxxys like this

Violation of rules 1 and 3 1.Use Common Sense 3. Any form of blatant homophobia, racism, or discrimination will not be tolerated to any degree

Chrepuhon likes this
United Kingdom

@rafdoulalas that doesn't even relate to this discussion XD.

if you ask me, that's a violation of rule 1

Michael_00006, Chrepuhon and 2 others like this

nah fuck it


@Chrepuhon you are a bit late 💀

Chrepuhon likes this
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Real-time recording requirements expanded, Audio for PC WRs, and more rule changes

Hey everyone! In this post we will be announcing some very major rule changes for the SRC leaderboards. Incase you just want the summary, here they are very briefly:

NOTE: None of these rules will be enforced retroactively, just from this point (January 3rd 2025) onwards.

**1. Every mobile WR o

2 months ago