New catagories?
1 month ago

Also, categories not catagories. I am not good at spelling LMAO

These are simply ideas and will not be implemented unless a majority of folks agree.

  • Bullshoot classic ("The way Anton expected it to be played")

This category would mean that players are expected to play the levels as they "seem" to be expected to be played. (Best example is: MGS3 level, not changing your gravity to "moon")

  • Shoot all weapons

This category would consist of shooting all base weapons in the game (thats alot of gun.) Simply put, you could choose the level and weather you wanted to spawn the weapons or have them laid out (could also be two separate categories) you would then be required to shoot a FULL magazine out of the weapon before continuing to the next.

These are just two of a few I thought of, would love to see some more ideas below I hope to implement at least one as we get this forum back from the dead.

Edited by the author 1 month ago
Czech Republic

I would love bullshoot classic, ive wanted to do an actual speedrun of bullshoot for a while but the current category is just not what i find fun about trying to do bullshoot fast. Im assuming stuff like only putting one barrel extender and going onto a wall to beat "Growing boy" would still be allowed.


I think if we were to implement a classic mode, it would have to be “glitchless” so all the levels like “Growing boy” would have to be done as intended (yes even the MGS3 level) to ensure continuity across the board. So levels with skips like the MGS3, “Here’s johnny,” “Growing boy,” and “Real Fake doors” among others, would have to be done without the assistance of going atop the level or altered gravity.

We’d leave all that to the normal Bullshoot category. :)

Czech Republic

Well on Growing boy there is a ladder that is supposed to be used, and you are doing what the game intends for you to do just less but it wont matter much except for the jank that can sometimes happen with those extenders. Also what about the cannon level, technically anton says that just hitting the shells outside of the cannon is intended as "the easy way" so would that be allowed or not?


You make a very good point, I think that if anything, if we wanted a Bullshoot classic and a Bullshoot category we would have to "grill" Anton about what he intended each level to play like. (Which I don't know would be feasible.)

For now, due to how broad the way the levels are "expected" to be played, we'll probably just leave the category of Bullshoot. If at a later time the community can come up with guidelines of how a Bullshoot classic would work, we could add it.

Czech Republic

The devlogs give a rough idea of what is intended, not perfect as for example growing boy isnt even shown. But yeah if anybody else is intrested in the idea the rules could probably be ironed out.

United States

I suggest that you add at least two Return of the Rotweiners categories. any% and All Quests. You could also split out into 6 for the three different difficulty settings.

I would submit for hardcore All Quests almost immediately.


Will more than likely be adding this to the leaderboards here in a bit. I wanna get a run in on Return of the Rotweiners before adding it just to see what it entails. (Honestly, shouldn't admit this as an avid hotdog shooter but I have only played it once or twice)

But, this will be becoming a category today!

sexymustard likes this

Return of the Rotweiners has been added, Changes may come to rules and etc. However the it is added. Happy shootin'!

sexymustard likes this

Yoooo this is what I needed right now. :3

I got some great suggestions for Classic Bullshoot. I'll write them out sometime. Maybe here?


Here definitely, I’ll also be posting a discussion thread later for general discussion about anything. It could also go there if you’d like. Whatever works

K. Here's how I would explain it:

Play all game modes "as intended" This means:

  1. No smacking targets with weapons.

This is a common speedrunning tactic, but this is called Bullshoot, not Bullsmack. If you wanna smack things, you're playing the wrong game. It's tempting to do this in the beginning chapter, so understand that you must use bullets to dispatch targets with a few exceptions: (Give it a whack, Knife to a gunfight, Here's Johnny, Growing Boy, etc. etc.)

  1. No climbing up the walls.

You're not spiderman first of all. But more importantly, a common speedrunning tactic is climbing on the walls to see a target you weren't suppose to see. (Real fake doors and Arm Day are two great examples where you can do this.) This makes things easier, and we don't do that here. You must break down the door on Real fake doors and climb the big ladder in Arm Day. RIP your noodle arms.

  1. No gravity changing mid run.

You play on Realistic Gravity for Player. (Weapon and item gravity is static, so the setting doesn't matter.) That means no abusing moon gravity to cheese some levels. (MGS 3 Ladder, Break the Ice) You're not a spaceman, you don't have a rocket on your back. You're not Major Tom, you're a hotdog with hands. You will conform to the laws of Gravity like a good hotdog.

Might have to get into super specifics later, but that's a good first draft lol


Yes, yes, yes. Exactly what I was thinking, I guess putting it “as intended” in quotes is better than what I had said originally. But yes, I believe that this and other the original run (in which you just did) would be great speed runs. Like you said, things out have to be fine tuned but I do believe would could draft some solid rules for this type of run. I know I would be interested in running “Bullshoot as Intended” (Probably need a better name) I wonder how the rest of the community will feel.

Also, I guess when rules are laid out, we (the community) will have to establish what is “intended” and what is not.

True true. For some reason, I was thinking:

Bullshoot with a bowl of nails (Bullshoot as intended)

Bullshoot with extra cheese (Speedrun routes)

Bullshoot with extra cheese and ketchup (Speedrun routes but with secret levels too)


Bullshoot (Speedrun routes)

Bullshoot but fuck you (Bullshoot as intended)

Bullshoot but double fuck you (Speedrun routes with secret levels)

jk of course :mclaughter:

No shit, that's literally what I wanted to say, but I had a filter on lol.

But I just remembered that I did a Bullshoot as intended run. It was the first speedrun I ever did on this mode. It was an hour and 45 minutes and I talk over it the whole time. That would be a good reference maybe. But I think making a more edited breakdown would be a better idea.

Bullshoot Any% (Speedrun)

Bullshoot Fuck you% (Intended)

Bullshoot Double fuck you% (Intended with bonus levels)

hxneybeez likes this
United States

Thanks for adding Rotweiners with all of the difficulty modes, but you neglected to make different categories for Any% and All Quests. and I am choosing the term "all quests" very intentionally because 100% would be bogged down by buying everything in the stores and the invisible kill counters.

These two categories will have extremely different runs in ways that ought to be interesting.

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Howdy hotdog shooters,

I wanted to go ahead and post an announcement to the fact that the leader board(s) has been updated to fit a lot better to the needs of what the game has been updated too.

So what changes have happened?

All take and hold categories have been archived. This is due not

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