Past 3rd door: real time vs. in-game
5 years ago
Czech Republic

Since these two are equivalent in this category, do we need to fill both of them? I filled just the in-game time, which made my WR run place 6th. Should I edit the real time in (with the same time)?

Illinois, USA

No it’s good

Czech Republic

But it still makes me 6th :/? Why?

Illinois, USA

Just realized it, add the game time.

Czech Republic

Ok, thnx :).

United States

For future reference, I have simplified down the timing categories so this issue shouldn't happen again.

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So, it's no secret that the current autoclicker boards are a mess. Times have been getting shorter and shorter, and runs less and less recognizable as Burrito Bison and looking more like glitchy nightmares. As recently brought up on the forum, the current unlimited autoclicker ruleset allows for run

2 years ago
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