Keybind Question
1 year ago
Pennsylvania, USA

So I see that you can change some keybinds like arrow keys to WASD, but what reason is there for xzc to be in that order or why can it only be rebinded to qwerty same going for Enter,Shift.Ctrl being rebinded to [], I just want to flip the keys around like z for x and x for z, and do that same thing for my shift and enter, is that still allowed or no?

Virginia, USA
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

I don't think so, no. Though if you need to know for mashing reasons, you can go either in or out. So you can go Z X Enter Shift, but you can also go X Z Shift Enter, and all it really amounts to is preference.

Pennsylvania, USA

I get how your suppose to mash, but its hard for me to piano mash that way, my hands tend to struggle that way. But, if there is no way to change it, then I guess i can't change it. But I really want to know for current I can't.