Moderator Banned me over personal grudge against me.
2 years ago

A moderator in whose private community (outside of the official discord of the game) i had a conflict with banned me from his discord. then i wanted to reach to him to tell him my feelings and made a comment on the Speedrunning discord about those feelings. The result: a ban from the speedrunning discord. trying to get in contact to get unbanned from the discord i tried twitter and forum threads of the game but kapt getting blocked without being given a reason why they blocked me in the first place. then i got a Private message that my messages (of trying to be unbanned) count as harassment and that i shouldve direct messaged other mods. but i havent even recieved a message for 5 posts i made. they just kept deleting them. this feels very out of place to ban me altho i had NO offense till this point not a SINGLE ONE and all they banned me for is that discord message, in which i expressed my feelings and explained why i felt that way to the user, later backing it up with claming i harrassed him with forum posts altho i just wanted to get unbanned.

my question: what should i do? i clearly cant talk to the community of the game anymore? should i quit, should i contact a site mod directly? ive already tried the support hub but idk if that did anything?