You want to become a mod?
3 years ago

First, you should join the discord: Second, when mod applications are up, it'll be in announcements channel on discord.

If it's not there, it means current moderators are not accepting new moderators, just wait until applications are up again. Don't ask "When will applications for mods will be up again?", they will be up when more moderators are required. Don't ask or beg, publicly or in DMs, to be mod despite applications being closed, you will not get anything and just waste everyone's time.

Bottom line: it's only possible to become mod when mod applications are up, be in the discord to know when they are up.

yIsThisMyName, Oh_my_gourdness and 8 others like this

Begging for a moderation role does the opposing effect of putting us off. A moderation role is one with responsibilities so we are not willing to hire anyone who thinks they can just walk in and expect a role. It is also incredibly annoying when a thread forum is opened asking for mod role as everyone following the game would receive the notification, not just us. Also, emphasising Yarmiplay's point, we will have future moderation application processes BUT ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. If it is not open, it means that the current team works and no change is required (including addition of mods).

Oh_my_gourdness, grntsz and 6 others like this
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Slow Runs Moved To Base Game!

The mod team are happy to announce that all slow runs have officially been moved from Category Extensions to the Base Game, meaning if you want to submit a slow speed run, you'll now need to submit to the Base Game, not Category Extensions.

We'd like to give a HUGE thanks to Maximum from the Red Ba

1 month ago
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