Minor bug: wrong flag being displayed
2 years ago
United Kingdom

I am from England, which has its own flag as well as the UK flag. I have chosen to display the UK flag as my country flag on the site.

The problem is that the site seems very inconsistent in which flag it displays - for example I have a UK flag displayed on the leaderboard, but right below it the England flag in the "recent runs" list - both next to my name.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
sami likes this
United Kingdom

If you want to see, it's on https://www.speedrun.com/dadish/level/Kastelo_Fortress_8

(But obvs if anyone's reading this post in a few days time the recent runs will be different.)

United States

I’m guessing that the issue is just that the recent runs page is slow to update, and it’ll eventually match to your new flag selection.

United Kingdom

But I made this flag selection months ago, I haven't changed it for ages (and the run was only submitted yesterday)


Tell your profile that you're from England, rather than England, United Kingdom. This is intended behaviour.

You can see I'm from The Netherlands, but if I'd choose North Holland as my REGION, nothing would change on the board, but on the forums and profile, you'd see the North Holland flag rather than NL.

Short: Country dictates flag on boards, region just shows on profile and forums

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Deux likes this
United Kingdom

Ok thank you, I didn't realise that that selection only applied to the leaderboards.

I had assumed that as I had selected the UK flag instead of the England flag for "display on leaderboards", it should also show up as that in the recent runs page.

Maybe it's because the UK is weird, it is displayed as country:UK, subcountry:England then region (whereas most other countries only have country then region.)

United Kingdom

Yeah unlike with your example it explicitly gives me a choice for which flag I want displayed (and then only uses my choice sometimes).

Edited by the author 2 years ago