new category idea
4 months ago
Georgia, USA

glitched any% category for the heart key and croc skip

2KLS1 likes this
Georgia, USA

saves 2 and a half minutes at least

2KLS1 likes this
United Kingdom

I know it won't be accepted but a sub category should be made or something as the time save is insane and nothing is being added or subtracted from the game other than a option command. Fun, non the less and a great find by Strawhatxx420.

strawhatxx420 and Subsonix like this

The issue is that this wouldn't be possible without a glitch in a debug menu that was programmed by Gemini and not Capcom.

What needs to be found now is a way to do it without the debug menu which probably won't happen but if it did, this would be fair game.

As cool as this is you're still using a 3rd party program to perform the glitches.

I think we need a community effort with this to try and find a way to perform these skips without debug because they would definitely breath some new life into this game.

Edited by the author 4 months ago
Subsonix, strawhatxx420 and 4 others like this
Saxony, Germany

You can do all sorts of weird stuff with debug menu. There is also a Atlas glitch which removes every colision with walls and you can skip the waterfall in sewers.

I tried to do the skips in the vanilla game but no chance, i dont even know where to start without the debug menu. But its interesting to see what possibly can be skipped in this game.

Subsonix, strawhatxx420, and 2KLS1 like this

Using turbo on the options menu button during marvin would be a good place to start to see if it's possible to sneak in the input before the door animation

2KLS1 likes this
United Kingdom

I appreciate the replies, hopefully someone can find a way to do it without as it really changes the game in a serious way

Subsonix likes this
New Brunswick, Canada

We would need to repeat the room over and over again to find the frame where it takes input. I'm up to do it repeatedly lmao

2KLS1 likes this

It has been tested with turbo on a controller by mashing the options button and without the debug menu it wasn't possible