Miniclip vs. CMG
5 years ago

Thats what I meant a few days ago

grntsz likes this

I feel like some sites got the mobile and some got the web version, but I am not sure because I have no experience in the mobile version. But some levels are definitely different.

grntsz and
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Mesa, AZ, USA

So make another category on the IL leaderboards?

likes this

I guess that's the way to go, because if you run the faster level you just win

grntsz and
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I absolutely agree. I am pretty proud of my WR but it's very obvious that i didn't get it from skill but rather utilizing a skip on a different version of the game and being an ok runner. But honestly, I've thought for a while there should be 2 different categories so it's about time something happened to push for this change to be made.

riddlez5 and
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Ok level are now seperated into CMG and Miniclip, if you spot any runs that are listed in the wrong categorie go ahead and tell us so we can fix it :) Starting to move some runs....

-Level 22-25 added (because CMG apparently has more of them) -Rules updated (most of the levels had none typed down ) -Main Categories are renamed into MiniClip/CMG since the skip should be CMG exclusive -75 Stars added (well.... cmg....) -Some runs got moved to CMG or mobile

Edited by the author 5 years ago
grntsz likes this

Also if the level skip doesnt work on miniclip, should we change the main categories to Any% MC / CMG ? --> Done

Edited by the author 5 years ago
grntsz likes this
Mesa, AZ, USA

@RileySFPcALT sorry for late response, i will add u

Edited by the author 5 years ago
likes this
Mesa, AZ, USA

@RileySFPcALT i think an email was sent to you regarding the moderating process


the version 1.2.8 you place it in coolmathgame or mc because y have make my rune on jeuxjeuxjeux it the link the versoin of coolmath game is 1.1.0 and the versoin of miniclip is not write ...................

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Eh bah, sérieux? Moi je joue juste sur Miniclip, et là, c'est tout un débat sur les versions. Franchement, je n'ai pas vu trop de différence entre les plateformes, mais ce truc des skips, c'est toute une autre histoire. Bref, je pense que le mieux, c'est de séparer les versions clairement, et basta. Parce qu'à ce rythme-là, certains auront plus de chance, et d'autres pas.

Québec City, QC

@Patterson le necro posting de fou

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