Badge runs
1 year ago

I think there should be speedruns for badges such as Speed I and You can run...

Super moderatorzir0nic
She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

with the Speed I badge being added i might add a sublevel 10 category, but a category for You can run seems a little redundant since there's already a category for Fear

I do agree with zir0nic as "You can run..." is just fear but annoying to do possibly an "all obtainable badges speed run" or one of of the skip badges however they might not work well unless you started at sublevel 1 but then it would be a bit weird of speed run category. An "all obtainable badges" might be the best speed run to do with badges but even then are we going to have to get the "Summit" badge despite it not being in pm 6:06, do we consider it already collected or do we need to get it and there would be no avoiding this badge due to "Air of Dread", "Remnant of some forgotten Tragedy" and "The Fall" being tied to it. Another problem would be the "Virus" badge because it is only obtainable by playing with another person which is not allowed while playing solo. The best I think is to say that the "Virus" badge is the only badge that will not be obtained.

I am unsure if "Summit" badge is still required to get "Air of Dread"

Edited by the author 1 year ago

A 1-10 Category definitely needs adding

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Dictate and zir0nic like this

Imagine a Most Badges run, A run where you get as much badges as possible within the fast time in one run

I Don't think that would be really a speedrun then (amusing you are suggesting that you are given a certain amount of time to get as many badges as possible)

Edited by the author 1 year ago

Tbh there should be a offset levels category, like start at pipes and finish malice as fast as possible

zir0nic has already said:

"i like the idea of apoapsis-malice but i'm a bit hesitant since it would become really weird once the next offset releases, especially if it has another boss fight" (

which is very understandable and if he were to do a leaderboard wipe once the next offset is added people who grinded and got a lucky run especially with pipes being so luck based would be quite mad

Edited by the author 1 year ago
zir0nic likes this

Sorry if I'm late, but I could see some new runs that will fit in my opinion

1-40 Any/Glitchless/Low%: Ok this is pretty reasonable since 1-40 are already released, but I could see you waiting for the 41-50 stuff before doing this. But we could just stick to 1-40.

100%: I know there are some reasons on why this can't be done, but for the sake I'll explain what this run could have

-Ignore all levels that are apart of a different game

-Has Offset (pipes-aegis)

-Must beat 1-40 fully (must also be alternative paths)

I think 100% would be very fun and also a challenge, would take longer but would still be very fun

Gamepass%: This is specifically made for p2w people, obviously the gem is banned but every other item is acceptable, this is a 1-20 run but p2w. Any gamepass is allowed and any item is allowed

Dictate and zir0nic like this
Super moderatorzir0nic
She/Her, They/Them
10 months ago

so for 100% you would complete every sublevel from 1-40, all offset levels, and all sub-sublevels?

Exactly, although you could limit it to just pipes-malice for offset levels, since according to a previous statement you would have to refresh the leaderboard for every offset that comes if it was truly every offset

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