What are some tricky to reach areas in the game? Like for example there's this 'ladder' at the top right of this level:
With like a really precise bomb jump I can get onto the ladder, and I've been able to climb up one rung, but couldn't reach the top before blowing up. The trickiest part is jumping up without going into the door lol. I wonder if you could reach the top rung and if it'd be possible to go off the top edge of the screen by somehow bomb jumping up from the top rung of that 'ladder'.
Update: I can get onto the top rung semi-consistently, but I haven't been able to bomb jump up onto the top of the level yet
I dont think its possible, I got a bomb jump on the top rung and still didn't make it. I'll keep trying though, there probably is a way.
I wonder if it's possible to remove every pixel from this level:
You'd need a pixel under the door to get out, but who said anything about surviving and escaping? idk if this could be a speedrun category too, I tried and clearing out everything here is suuuuuper hard, and probably inconsistent as heck even if it is doable. The level before this one is probably easier to clear