Where'd statistics go?
3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

I know for the holidays they said they were temporarily shutting it down to prevent further traffic or something, but with this new layout I can't find it. The page that shows stuff like the most games someones speedran. I thought it was interesting, did they remove it?


As far as I know, the page has not been brought back yet. There has been no update on the removed pages nor has there been any communication about if or when the pages are returning.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Hako, Bro3256 and 4 others like this
Kentucky, USA

just another reason to hate this new layout they're trying, i guess.

Bob-chicken, Ivory and 3 others like this
European Union



Caidren, Bob-chicken and 5 others like this
French Southern Territories

to be fair the statistics and user pages were gone before the new layout