New Patch (IV Patch 8, EFLC Patch 3) Released.
8 years ago
Hampshire, England

So the new patch just got released, and I've been pretty vocal about it on twitter about how terrible it is for me. EFLC stutters like crazy on Patch 3, but thankfully it's easily downgradeable (which fixed my problems).

I heard others were having more luck though? I was just wondering what changes people noticed.

I thought I would ask on here since we've all played the game recently and don't speculate like "Oh yeah it runs way better for me! I haven't played it for 8 years though!"

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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United States

I was getting a lot of frame issues while driving. The clock is still connected to the FPS. The pay n spray between 21:00-23:59 bug still exists.

-1.8 - 115 FPS (everything maxed other than night shadows turned off, view and detail distance at 15, vehicle density at 1) -1.4 - 155 FPS (everything maxed other than view/detail @ 15, shadow density @ 0, VD @ 1) -same spot on the map, looking the same direction at the same time of day

It seems to be identical to 1.7 other than the claim that they fixed the final mission's fps issue. I went back to 1.4.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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Päijät-Häme, Finland

Infinite load screens when not limiting the framerate are still in TBOGT (Momma's Boy and Sexy Time), vsync actually limits the game properly now (eg. vsync at 60hz = 60fps instead of ~53fps).

Performance seems to be more or less the same as 1.7 for me except load screens are 50% to 100% longer (with the same SSD). Especially apparent in the initial loads of both the episodes. I still get bad CPU and GPU usage and some stuttering while driving in the episodes on all shadow settings except very high (night shadows off, view/detail distance 24) which maxed out my GPU but the framerate was still the same as high/medium shadows (40-80 fps). My CPU is Intel Core i7 3930k at 4.20ghz and GPU is Nvidia GTX 780 with relatively up-to-date drivers and I have 16gb of RAM.

I went back to 1.4 for IV and for EFLC.

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