Which version is better - Source Unpack or 3420
6 months ago

Which version do you prefer for speedrunning and why? Which one is better in your opinion? Source Unpack or 3420?

South Korea

I really recommand using 5135 (which is unpack build) but if you are oob player and have very high oob skill then I would recommand using 3420 which allows you to move oob space freely. You can save lots of time in oob with egg in 3420, but except that, 3420 is useless in other categories such as inbounds.

Edited by the author 6 months ago

i'd even say it's not suitable for inbounds at all because you can't do skip with radio and button in 01, and the current route does that, but yeah i agree with everything said higher about 3420

Edited by the author 6 months ago

So 3420 has every 5135 bug or something doesnt work on 3420?

3420 does not have radios outside of the vault, which makes it bad for inbounds, and some movement quirks make it unoptimal for noSLA and awful for glitchless, along with it being more unstable. It's mostly just used for one trick (egg) in highish level out of bounds, and has most glitches also in 5135.

Edited by the author 6 months ago

Thanks for helping guys)

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