Other modes
Scramble, Endless, Weekly Challenge would be nice to speedrun. Endless for 25 wave completed.
TimeMaster likes this
I'm new in speedruning but from i know in speedruns time is most important, scoring doesn't matter. Weekly Challenges are available all the time to play. Only Leaderboards are locked but it doesn't matter. Problem with Endless is no time in statistics. There is no way to check time.
btw endless and NG+ have been added. NG will not be added until robot finally gives us multiple profiles as ingame option
Overhaul on the Full runs and endless mode
there are now new perimeter, diffifculty and map, if you submit a full runs you need to select: "Complete Story Act/s" and then the difficulty you played on, if you play endless, choose: "Endless Mode" as difficulty.
thats all for now, stay healthy
Recent runs
Level: Old Friends - North Wing
Level: Old Friends - Cliffside
Level: Old Friends - Close Quarters
Level: Old Friends - The Lava Pits