Long loading times
7 years ago
Wielkopolskie, Poland

I have problems with long loading times in game, which are much longer recently and I don't know why it happens. In this short video I showed how it all looks like. If anyone know how to help me, I'll be thankful.

My computer can't make this, because he is strong enough.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Hamburg, Germany

Video doesnt work for me.

Wielkopolskie, Poland

Now it works

United States

You're supposed to click to advance text on load screens. Optimally, you can just hold Mouse 1

Sperkano likes this
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Load Extender Voting Results

Thank you all for voting. The results are as follows:

2.1 Should the Load Extender be allowed for speedruns?

  • Yes: 23 to No: 3

2.2 Which categories should it be allowed for?

  • In accordance with the majority votes, the LE will be allowed in all categories.

2.3 *If the load ex

1 year ago
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